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90/100: .
Name: Stiletto #9
Date: Fri Aug 07 02:09:32 1992

RE: i'm

WTWTAer 99/100: i'm
WTWTAer Name: Magic Mist #55
WTWTAer Date: Fri Aug 07 01:03:44 1992
WTWTAer bleeding

time for the 'different people responce' game!

Fenris: I'm hungry
Satan: Suck on it. Better yet, let me (rest is censored)
Punkin: Oh.. I'm sorry for you. Are you ok?
Stiletto: I have bled before. I didn't have my beanie with me, you see.
Jam Jobe: where? (sniker)
Link: So stop bleeding.
Trailblazer: I remember when I was bleeding a while ago..
Hacker: wherez da warez?
TSO: Nurse Stimpy can help.


that was good.

link's wasn't, but I couldn't think of what to say for him

mine should have been 'I cut myself on a beanie propeller'

This is a subliminal tagline.

Read:(1-100,^90),? :R

91/135: oh well...
Name: Stray Toaster #43
Date: Thu Aug 06 22:39:00 1992

Link and I were supposed to do this finale post toghether, but...

Well, it has been fun, I must say. It's funny to say this but I grew up
(as a BBSer) with WTWTA. I remember when I first called here. I believe the
board had only been up about a month. I didn't even have a modem yet! I was
borrowing Max Hye's while he was on vacation. I was on Egypt, becuase he was a
remote there, but every where else I tried to get on had basically ignored me.
But, Stiletto sent me that now famous post giving me that "3602919" number.
(yes, Stil', I owe it all to you!). But, anyway, this was the first board to
actually validate me, and on my 2nd call I actually got to chat with Link!
Yay! We talked for like 2 hours, and got to know each other pretty well. For
the first time in my life, I was validated!

WTWTA has been a blessing to me. I mean, elite boards are kinda useless
when you have a 286 with a 32meg HD, and monochrome monitor. I needed a message based BBS. Well, I'll never forget the fun I've had here. Starting from that
very first chat, to receiving my own sub (the sports sub was kinda taken over
by me and changed into the Belgium sub, even though at the time only me and
Stil' knew what it meant), then becoming the Remote in a very close race
(thanks to whoever nominated me...I dunno who.) and finally to the end. Here.
It began here, it ends here.

I feel that over the past year or so, I have contributed a lot of my
energy and time to this board. It seems like a part of me is going away. I
mean it. Its so hard to leave a good thing. Good people. Actually, I have
gained so much more, though. I'll never forget this place. Link - thanks so
much for having the confidence in me to allow me to run this BBS with you.
Stil' - y'know, I owe you everything. STAN - I like saying that just to piss
you off (it's catching!), but seriuosly, I couldn't have gone through my N-scan without one of your brag posts (yeah, I'm jealous!). Jannnny - Welp, I dunno.
It's been cool. One of the few people who actually called *me* voice (don't
hate me). Fenris - the same. Ditto - the same, even though I didn't get around
to the band part. MM - I don't know why you recognized me at the party, but it
was cool making fun of your veyr oying typos. Grendel/Fireman - hang in there,
you guys are becoming true WTWTAers, even though STAN won't admit it.
Chesh/Aahz - what ever happened to Blackstar anyway? Glad I could help test it
out. Punkin - You're too nice at times. Anyone else - even if I didn't mention
your name, you've added a lot to this past year for me.

Anyway...I don'y know if that was to sappy, but I mean it. Just lay of the fatboy 4th grader, pizza delivery, sheepdog stuff, okay? Heh. I hope I can get
a couple of LD calls down to VT, once everyone gets down there. And (yay!) I
still have 1 and 1/2 months to go until I flee to Georgia.

The time is now. It's been cool. Ashes to ashes, etc., etc. ...HTHAISTK!

fT|-†¥ Tþ†fT=|-

Oh well, whatever, nevermind ...
well, not really. I meant what I said.

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