< Q-scan 6 - 206 msgs >
1/206: oops
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 04 17:08:47 1993
32., not 40. What was i thinking?
2/206: 1001 things to do with a donut
Name: Iron Man #394 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 04 18:30:25 1993
RE: oh shit
BY: Satan #1 @17320
> 31. A new form of Cock Ring.
> 40. The GINSU Doughnut! IT slices through the old GINSU doughnut!
33. Demostrate sexual intercourse with a donut and a bannana
34. Use them as replacement frames for glasses
35. Make Julian Fries with them (everything else makes 'em)
36. "Model of a Blonde's head"
37. Take pictures of them in the air and send them to "The Inquirer" as UFOs
38. Make Donut MEN and sell them to stupid children
39. Sell them for inflated prices in Pritchard's Lobby
40. Spare Tires for Yugos
41. Spare steering wheel for Yugos
42. Spare seat cushioning for Yugos
43. Spare body parts for Yugos (just have to shape them a bit)
44. Spare Piston rings for Yugos
45. trade them for a Yugo
46. store them in a Yugo
47. roll them off a cliff in a Yugo
48. use stale donut to stone to death the person who thought up the Yugo crap!
49. They make nice sacrafices to Demons
3/206: more
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 04 18:51:23 1993
RE: 1001 things to do with a donut
BY: Iron Man #394 @17320
> 49. They make nice sacrafices to Demons
50. Hand to hand combat
51. Comic Eyeglasses
52. Cheap coaster
53. Innertubes for small animals
54. Second place prize for the stepping on duck compition...
55. Ward of Vampires (garlic donuts only)
56. Bribes
57. Bribe cops.
58. Taunt cops.
59. Distract cops.
60. Central point for a warp in the space time continum.
Sysop of The Waiting Room - 25090
4/206: more?
Name: Frizzle Fry #405 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 04 19:16:35 1993
RE: more
BY: Vic #134 @17320
> 60. Central point for a warp in the space time continum.
61. demonstrator for a diaphragm
62. gun sight for shooting politicians
63. put them on your bike handlebars!
64. cheap wedding ring
65 toilet seat cover for a midget
5/206: yet more shit to do with a donut
Name: Iron Man #394 @17320
Date: Mon Apr 05 00:49:41 1993
RE: more?
BY: Frizzle Fry #405 @17320
> 65 toilet seat cover for a midget
66. Condom Applicator
67. Best friend of really lonely guy
68. As a Penis Cozy
69. Edible Rings for a ring toss game
70. Edible rings for ring toss (using male member as stick, use your
71. Bra stuffing
72. (w/ 2 strapped together) an edible bra w/ nipple holes
73. Edible Crotchless Panties
74. Gag ball
75. Edible Collar
76. Edible Jewellry
77. Edible Chain Mail
78. A hand guard on a Kendo Sword
79. Beer Cozy
80. Dunk it in your Beer
81. Sperm Bank Aid
82. Amazingly can be placed in a snorer's mouth to silence them
83. Kissing trainer
84. French Kissing trainer (w/ a medium sized donut)
85. COW Kissing trianer (w/ a really big donut)
86. Carpet Munching trainer (w/ a bad smelling, glazed donut w/ hair on it)
87. COW Oral sex trainer (w/ a bad smelling, really big. glazed donut)
88. Stupid looking tupee
89. Earmuffs that you can hear through
90. example of a Torus
91. an Idol
92. an Idol that you can dance around
93. an Idol that you can dance around and then eat
94. an Idol that you can dance around, eat, and look through claiming it's the
all seeing eye of truth
95. an Idol that you can dance around, eat, use as eye of truth, and is
readilly available
96. an Idol that you can dance around, eat, use as eye of truth, is readily
available, and can be given a cool name Dunkin-Ra
97. an Idol that you can dance around, eat, use as eye of truth, is readily
available, named Dunkin-Ra, and is easy to make a stupid running gag about
98. an Idol...oh hell you know...
99. makes a cool beer holder
100. can be used to replace 0s and "O"s on just about any document
Dude we are up to 100, and no I didn't have anything better to do!
6/206: hey
Name: Tummigummi #57 @17320
Date: Mon Apr 05 02:12:14 1993
101> Use around arms of little kids as water wings (life preservers)
102> Attach above your head and ues it as a halo
7/206: This is fucking GREAT!
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Mon Apr 05 13:37:05 1993
RE: hey
BY: Tummigummi #57 @17320
TU} 102> Attach above your head and ues it as a halo
103. Place in your rectum to lower your purity test score.
104. Place in your rectum for the sheer enjoyment.
105. Cum on it.
106. Cum on it to lower your purity test score.
107. Cum on it, then eat it.
108. Cum on it and eat it to lower your purity test score.
109. Place in your girfriends vagina to bring a new sense to the term "Eating
110. Place in your girlfriends vagina to a) bring a new sense to the term
"Eating Out" and b) lower your purity test score.
111. Use as the zeros in very large numbers.
112. Bite one end, then play horseshoes.
113. Crush on walls in Pritchard.
114. Clog Pritchard toilets.
115. Confuse people at social gatherings by sticking them to your "Hello, my
name is" sticker. ("SO, your name is Jelly Donut....")
116. Mail to David Letterman to congratulate him on his $14 million dollar
deal to CBS.
117. Feed enough to Selene so when she says she's fat, she will MEAN it
(because, when she says it now, IT AIN'T FUCKING TRUE!!!)
118. Stick in Okonkwo's mouth so he'll shut up.
119. Stick in Satan's mouth so he'll shut up.
120. Stick in Iron Man's mouth so, well, you get the point.
121. Put two together to make a GREAT DONUT! (We figured that one big donut
was better than two little ones, and since we couldn't bring that donut up, we
decided to throw ours down.)
122. Use as the little organisms in Assignment #5 for CS 1034.
123. Fill them with nacho cheese and sell them as a new flavor of Combos.
124. Take up juggling.
125. Weave enough to make a sweater.
126. Coerce MY GIRL to fuck you.
127. An edible sensor ring for Coneheads.
128. Let donuts enter the stapler before you do to make sure it is safe.
129. Bury it in a tupperware tomb so antropologists of the future will think
it was once some strange form of a God.
130. Bring Elvis out of hiding.
8/206: Yet more...
Name: Iron Man #394 @17320
Date: Mon Apr 05 15:18:48 1993
RE: This is fucking GREAT!
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> think it was once some strange form of a God.
> 130. Bring Elvis out of hiding.
131. Give it to Men with long Penis's as a SAFETY STOP so that can't go to far
132. Send one to Howard Stern (no reason I just wanted to Mention Howard Stern)
133. Stuff one in Babba Bouye's mouth (another Howard Stern reference)
134. Stuff one in Robin's mouth (more Howard Stern)
135. Stuff one between Robin's tits, give both of you a thrill
136. Jerk off on one to a picture of Aunt Jemima (another Howard Stern
137. Jerk off on one to a picture of Aunt Jemima and send to Howard Stern with
a letter explaining what you have done just so you can hear your name on the
138. Beat Howard Stern to death with one
139. Stuff into the mouth of the person who thought up this stupid Howard
Stern crap to shut him up
140. Pour Brandy on it and light it, seve it to somebody calling it "Donut
141. Pour Gasoline and light it, saying it was protesting the death of allof
it fellow donuts.
142. Use it as weights on barbells (to get a couple xtra ounces)
143. Shove into a Cows But
144. Shove into a Cows Butt, finding out it is a bull
145. Shove into a Cows Butt, finding out it is a bull, and run for your life
146. Shove into a Cow's butt that you are sure is not a bull
147. Shove into a Cow's butt that you are sure is not a bull for enjoyment
148. Shove into a Cow's butt that you are sure is not a bull to lower purity
test score
149. Shove into a Cow's butt that you are sure is not a bull and ride around
on the Cow through Main St naked screaming "ITS GOT A DONUT IN ITS BUTT, ITS
150. Shove into a Republicans mouth
151. Shove into Rush Limbaughs mouth (its not like a few more calories would
make any difference now)
152. Shove a couple thousand into Rush's mouth (its not like a few billion
more calories would make any difference now)
153. Shove a couple thousand into Rush's mouth that are laced with Cyanide
(its not one less Rush in the world would hurt)
154. Shove one that you Jizzed on into a Republicans mouth and make them enjoy
155. Glaze a Donut personally and offer it to a priest to lower his purity
156. Glaze a Donut personally and offer it to Jeffrey Dahmer to raise his
Purity score
157. Launch it into space so an astronaught can find it and it would be
mistaken as proof of intelligent life
158. Start a Donut Cult
159. Start a donut cult and move to Waco, Texas
160. Start a donut cult, move to Waco, Texas, and call your cult the The
Branch Dunkins
161. Start a donut cult, move to Waco, call it Branch Dunkins, and shoot up a bunch of FDA agents when they raid your compound for trying to corner the donut market
162. Start a donut cult, move to Waco, call it Branch Dunkins, shoot up some FDA agents, and waste the governments time
163. Start a donut cult, move to Waco, call it Branch Dunkins, shoot up some FDA agents, waste the government's time, and have ten BAZILLION movies of the week made about you and your stupid dount cult!
The last 6 entries are dedicated to David Koresh.
9/206: .
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Mon Apr 05 19:07:57 1993
164. Replace Michael Jackson's one glove with a doughnut.
165. Roll it down a hill to watch the Ethiopians & Somalians chase it.
166. Roll it down a hill to watch Roseanne Barr chase it.
167. Paint It Purple and Green. (this credited to Mettable)
168. Put a twist in it, tape it back together, and eat a Mobeuis Doughnut.
169. Modern Chain-Mail Armor consisting of Interlaced Doughnuts. (donut mail)
170. Freebase donuts.
171. Throw in a pool to save bugs from drowning. (by Mettable)
172. Put on Pinnochio's nose and ask him to take it off with his penis.
(By Salsa)
173. Start a new WWIV network, DOUGHNUTNet...
10/206: goddam, this is COOL
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Tue Apr 06 01:08:36 1993
174. You could probably save a good 5 megs on a donut!
175. Flog Satan.
176. Wrap one up and give to Selene for her birthday. (Evil)
177. "Hey, man, where's our donuts?" "WE SMOKED 'EM!"
178. Lace with LSD for one tripping donut!
179. Lace with cyanide so killing yourself will at lest taste good.
180. Ashtray.
181. Feed the homeless.
182. Kill the homeless. (See #179)
183. Crumble up on your oat bran. (George Bush only)
184. Tempt Muslims at noon during Ramadan.
185. Put them in a styrofoam box with golden arches screenprinted on the
side. Call them "McDonuts."
186. Skeet shooting.
187. Set on fire and cause everyone in Pritchard to run out in the snow.
188. Take one bit out of it and name a computer language. ( O -> C )
189. Put a sign on it that says "Eat me." Tempt horny frat boys.
190. Put on a See 'n' Say. See if it says, "Hello! I'm a Donut!"
191. A dice cup for Yatzhee!
192. Teach fleas in a flea circus to Jump through the donut.
193. Freeze dry and sell as Astronaut Donuts.
194. Practice cunnilingus.
195. Eat donuts instead of going to Hokie Grill. (Not!)
196. Sell as a great fundraiser!
197. Buy votes for class of 1996.
198. Seat cushion for fetuses at football games.
199. Flares at accidents. (Of course, that goes along with VIC's "Attract
Stick a pencil through it, make it the Greek letter Ø.
11/206: And some more...
Name: Iron Man #394 @17320
Date: Tue Apr 06 05:09:40 1993
RE: goddam, this is COOL
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> Stick a pencil through it, make it the Greek letter Ø.
201. Stick Two pencils through it, make it a cross hair
202. Put two Donuts with two pencils through them together to make a rifle
203. Target Practice
204. Target to brag to friends about ("got it right in the middle")
205. Paint it brown and sink it in a Commode to really confuse the next person
who sees it
206. Calim its a Philisophical Paradox
207. Dsiprove the donuts existance
208. Prove the donuts existance
209. Prove the donut is a sentient being
210. Form Protests to like Operation NO-DUNK to save donut lives (see 209)
211. Lay like circles infront of Dunkin Donuts across the land trying to save
the donuts
212. Start stoning Dukin Donuts store owners to death with stale donuts
213. Drop them into a spiked pit and watch the Somalis go in after them
214. Drop them into a spiked pit and watch Rosanne Arnold go after them
215. Drop them into a spiked pit and watch Operation NO-DUNK fanatics jump in
to save them (see 208-212)
216. Drop them into a spiked pit and watch Branch Dunkins jump in after them
(see one way before)
217. Drop them into a spiked pit and watch worshippers of Dunkin-Ra jump in
after them (yes I'm milking them for all they are worth)
218. Eat LSD laced Donuts and start singing Lucy in the Sky with Donuts
219. Eat LSD laced Donuts and start singing YELLOW DOUNT YUGO (another earlier
220. Make a house out of donuts (Green Jello Song reference)
221. Use them to keep your nose warm
222. Use them to practice your RIM JOB tecnique
223. Send messages across the sea in them
224. write a song about #223 "Message in a donut"
225. Pound them into donut paper!
226. Fill up the pit with donuts
227. Put them around your ankles to keep up your socks
228. Use them Pony Tail Holders
229. Wear it on your head as a hat, not forgetting to tip it to everybody!!!
230. Wear it as a Yamaka. Kosher head wear!
12/206: more
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Tue Apr 06 23:34:38 1993
RE: And some more...
BY: Iron Man #394 @17320
> 230. Wear it as a Yamaka. Kosher head wear!
231. Move around Ouija board, try to recieve messages from spirits...
232. Even out wobbly chair.
233. Spare tires for monster truck style RC cars.
234. horde them.
13/206: Here it goes.
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 07 01:35:51 1993
RE: more
BY: Vic #134 @17320
VI} 234. horde them.
235. Use the glaze as invisible ink.
236. Make 'em long and skinny, call it an eclair, and say it's from France.
Sell 'em for twice as much.
237. Use 'em as guitar picks for that fat Seattle sound.
238. Throw 'em around the audience at a rock concert.
239. Cover 'em with fake blood and throw 'em arounf the audience at a Gwar
240. Donut pizza.
241. Donut burritos.
242. Donut spaghetti.
243. Donut tacos.
244. Take out the taste, call then bagels, sell them to jews.
245. Toe separators when drying toe-nail polish.
246. "Tis nobler in the mind to suffer the donuts and pastries of outrageous
247. Stick pages together.
248. Start food fights.
249. Ground up into a fine powder, call it cocaine, sell it to wall street
business men.
250. Eat one in front of Richard Simmons. Watch him puke.
14/206: some more
Name: Iron Man #394 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 07 03:21:25 1993
RE: Here it goes.
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> 250. Eat one in front of Richard Simmons. Watch him puke.
251. Tkae a box to a weight watchers meeting to try to corupt them all
252. Fill it with beans start singing "Donuts Donuts the Melodic food..."
253. Put a couple in certain orifices, call it a yeast infection.
254. Take "Stop Motion" films of them and sell them as some new kids show
255. Make a new kids show call it Donut Man (see 254)
256. Put them in little boxes and sell them in toy stores as Donut Man Action
Figures!! (see 255)
15/206: new
Name: Tummigummi #57 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 07 10:22:43 1993
RE: some more
BY: Iron Man #394 @17320
> 256. Put them in little boxes and sell them in toy stores as Donut Man
> Action Figures!! (see 255)
257. Give them to Monty Python to kill the ferocious rabbit in the Holy Grail!
16/206: Okay, this is starting to get hard. (That's what she said last night.
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 07 13:19:52 1993
RE: new
BY: Tummigummi #57 @17320
TU} 257. Give them to Monty Python to kill the ferocious rabbit in the
TU} Holy Grail!
258. Slip them in your envelope when you turn in your assignment for CS 1034
so you'll get a better grade.
259. When the dilithium crystals fail, Scotty.
260. Trick soap.
261. The Roach Donut--they check in, but they don't check out.
262. Strained Donuts--even babies need a tasty snack!
263. "Polly wants a donut. Think I should get off her first...."
264. "You'll be swell, you'll be great. Gonna have the whole world on a
plate! Startin' here, startin' now, honey everything's coming up DONUTS!"
265. "A mulatto, an albino, a donut, my libido, YEA!"
266. "For he's a jolly good donut,...."
267. "Purple Haze all in my head....'cuze me while I eat a donut."
268. It almost rhymes with cunt.
269. Put granola on them. Sell 'em at Dead concerts.
270. Tye dye 'em. Sell 'em at Dead concerts.
271. Fill 'em with pot. Sell 'em at Dead concerts.
272. "Truckin'... Got my donuts cashed in...."
273. Lace 'em with LSD. Sell 'em at Dead concerts.
274. "I don't want a donut, I just wanna ride my motorcycle...."
275 Practice juggling.
276. Pick up off the floor. (see 275)
278. "You, lost and lonely. You, just like a donut."
279. When you sell your soul to the devil, ASK FOR ALL THE DONUTS YOU WANT!!
280. Drown your depression.
17/206: blah!
Name: Frizzle Fry #405 @17320
Date: Thu Apr 08 07:44:51 1993
RE: Okay, this is starting to get hard. (That's what she said last night.
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
>80. DRape children, Eat small animals, and Love your penis...rown your
81. life savers for the SS Minow
82. life savers for the titanic...(oops that was 281 and 282) and why when i
try to quote does it say to rape children, eat small animals, and love your
penis?? i think my telemate's possessed...anyway)
283. use to exorcize (sp?) a bad telemate
284. use to exorcize an evil bbs
18/206: Blewie!
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Thu Apr 08 12:48:22 1993
RE: blah!
BY: Frizzle Fry #405 @17320
FF} 284. use to exorcize an evil bbs
285. Frizzle Fry, put donuts on your fingers and change your quoting prefix.
286. KISS KISS MOLLY'S LIPS through a donut.
287. Replace the midranges in your Radio Shack speakers
288. Put them on your door and charge 10 cents per bite.
289. Smoke em.
290. Build bridges.
19/206: more!
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 09 13:32:52 1993
RE: Blewie!
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> 290. Build bridges.
291. But can't you also build bridges out of stone donuts?
292. Taunt the Spathi with them, rule the galaxy with them.
293. Lace them with tremendous amounts of poison, call them glory donuts
sell them to the shofixti.
264. Pile them in a pyramid shape, when your roommate says something, start
speaking in tounges...
265. seat cushion for really small people with hemmeroids
20/206: .
Name: Tummigummi #57 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 09 15:46:01 1993
295. Maxi-pads for martians
21/206: blah blah fucking blah
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 09 18:08:59 1993
RE: .
BY: Tummigummi #57 @17320
TU} 295. Maxi-pads for martians
296. Make a telescope out of a dozen donuts to actually SEE martians.
297. A new type of digital audio media. (Plays, Records, and IT'S EDIBLE!)
298. New gear shift ball. (as opposed to the typical 8-balls)
299. Volume control knobs on your stereo.
. Pay off your phone bill.
22/206: how about
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 09 19:33:28 1993
RE: blah blah fucking blah
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> . Pay off your phone bill.
301. Pay off Satan's mom...
23/206: 302
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 09 21:32:29 1993
302. Get three, intall lasers on them, and orbit them around the Chmmr.
303. Hire a sireen to suck doughnuts out of other ships.
304. Sabotauge an Ur-Quan Dreadnought. "Lanch Doughtnuts."
305. Sabotage a Orz Nemesis. Instead of "GO!", "GO!", it's "DOUGH!",
306. Replace the cursor on your screen with a miniature doughnut holes.
307. Poison them, feed Somalia, kill Somalia, Don't worry about Somalia.
308. Poison them, feed the wales, forget saving them...
309. Throw them at the Earthling and see if it can point-defense them well.
310. Do they give the Utwig Jugger more battery if he absorbes them?
312. Can the Slylandro Probe 2418-B 'energize' on them?
313. Equip the Kohr-Ah Mauler, so that instead of a ring of fire being it's
special ability, it's special ability is a ring of doughnuts.
314. Arm the Mycon Podship with doughnuts, so when it fires them, they start
small, get real big, and then get real small again.
315. Hang off of a string over a bridge and fish for COPS.
316. Send in your video tape to the TV Show COPS.
317. Send in a video tape of a doughnut being beaten by 4 bakers to the
318. Demand trial for the bakers who beat the doughnut.
319. Demand a guilty verdict for the bakers who beat the doughnut (as part of
their job)
320. Riot when the baker's verdict is guilty.
321. Try them again to see if they were trying to violate the Doughnut's
civil rights, or just beating it so others could eat it.
322. Insert really small doughtnuts in packs of life-savers as a practical
323. Equip the Thraddash ship with after-doughnut-burners instead of after-
324. Staple them to your wall, and make art out of the mold.
325. Staple them to your wall, masturbate on them, and make art out of the
326. Buy butane-refillable doughnuts.
327. Make Marijuana doughnuts and sell them to cops..
328. "Frosty, the doughtnut man."
329. Develop a culture based on doughnuts.
330. Develop the spoken language of the doughnut.
24/206: more
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Sat Apr 10 20:32:14 1993
RE: 302
BY: Satan #1 @17320
> 330. Develop the spoken language of the doughnut.
331. Arm them with high explosives. Trick the Slyrando into attempting to
break them into component parts.
332. Put them over nightstick as an attractive way to market donuts to cops.
333. Develop a computer language of the donut. Make people write really silly
programs in it. WriteLn (numdonut,' donuts please');
334. Target practice for the high protein tonsil wash...
25/206: time for me to jump in...
Name: Zzyzzx #206 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 11 14:50:28 1993
RE: more
BY: Vic #134 @17320
> 334. Target practice for the high protein tonsil wash...
335. A hula-hoop for mice.
336. Use as an aerobie on the drillfield.
337. Cheap necklace for your girlfriend.
338. Cheap bracelet for your girlfriend.
339. The Stay-Glazed Donut Man
340. Stick on the end of your pencil and use as an eraser.
341. An attachable lens for cameras.
342. Stack them up and attach chain link crap to make a fence.
343. Feed it to your VCR (like in that commercial).
344. Flatten, place between to pieces of plastic, and you've got a floppy disk.
345. Flatten and use as bread.
346. Flatten and use in between bread (a donut sandwich).
26/206: YES, I do have all of these logged.
Name: Wishbringer #73 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 14 00:02:58 1993
347. Look through them so that everything SEEMS bigger, but isn't.
348. Fill them with water and throw ants into them and watch them drown.
349. Fill them with water, and throw ants in them and watch them swim.
. Shove a bunch on a stick and make a totem pole.
351. Shove it on a pencil for a tasty eraser...
27/206: 352+
Name: Zzyzzx #206 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 14 10:09:38 1993
352. Stack them on a stick and roast them over fire. Voila! Donut-kabobs!
353. Roast it in fire, then eat with graham crackers and chocolate. Donutty
354. Use as a pillow.
355. Lay it on a sidewalk, and when the ants come, stomp on them. (in other
words, use it as a pesticide)
356. Fill with salt, and use as a shaker.
357. Fill with pepper and use as a shaker.
358. Fill with cinnamon and use as a shaker.
359. Fill with any other seasoning and use as a shaker.
360. Fill with contact lens fluid and use it to clean your contacts.
361. Mold it into a bowl, let it sit out for a month or two (to get it hard)
and you've got a bowl.
28/206: 362 ---->
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Wed Apr 14 13:52:48 1993
362. "Hey! This donut would make a killer bong!"
363. Bake them without yeast and serve at passover.
364. Use the glaze to repair jewlery.
365. Guitar picks for a really FAT sound.
29/206: speaking o fguitars
Name: Frizzle Fry #405 @17320
Date: Thu Apr 15 12:39:42 1993
RE: 362 ---->
BY: Okonkwo #208 @17320
> 365. Guitar picks for a really FAT sound.
366. volume knob for a guitar
367. volume knob for an amp
368. any other knob on an amp
369. speaker cones
370. a base for a music stand
371. earphone pads
30/206: Cool, gutiar stuff
Name: Okonkwo #208 @17320
Date: Fri Apr 16 02:32:58 1993
372. Body for a banjo.
373. Body for a mandolin.
374. Use to to make the body for a small guitar.
375. 2-> Body for a ukelele.
376. Drum shells.
377. A music stand in itself. (just cut some grooves)
31/206: .
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Thu Apr 22 14:38:49 1993
378. I want to stick my ramrod of steel into her doughnut of love!
32/206: Donuts.
Name: Salsa #289 @17320
Date: Sun Apr 25 03:34:09 1993
379. Stick grenades in them and throw them at Israelis.
380. Eat them after you fuck the donut girl.
381. Eat them after you kill the donut girl.
382. Eat them after you fuck the dead donut girl.
383. Eat them after you sprinkle the donut girl's ashes over them.
33/206: try...
Name: Sunday #417 @17320
Date: Tue Apr 27 20:09:23 1993
384. play doughnut frisbee football....instead of your hands...use your mouth
to catch it.
34/206: donuts are fundamental....
Name: Fenris Wolf #10 @17320
Date: Mon Aug 23 14:02:17 1993
385. Castrate the pope, and use one to hold his shriveled organs
386. Masturbation utility..... beats hands.
387. ... the above, and then eat it. (coating)
388. base for your anal avenger (tm)
389. The above, then using it to clean off the anal avenger.. SNACK TIME.
35/206: "Uh Oh" she said holding the tampon, thinking where her pen must be.
Name: <<< Coughdrop #147 @17320 >>>
Date: Tue Aug 31 16:49:38 1993
390. Intertwine them before baking and cook yourself a nifty "donut mail"
36/206: one more
Name: Asudem #465 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 02 12:29:31 1993
391. Put it a couple feet away and use it as a pissing target.
37/206: another
Name: Den #457 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 07 00:58:27 1993
392. See how many you can balance on your nose.
38/206: God! I'm posting on this again!
Name: Molested By Crustaceans #208 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 07 12:33:33 1993
393. Lace them with cyanide. "The NEW Kevorkian Edible Suicide Machine"
394. Make them invisible. CRYSTAL DONUTS!
395. Coerce a fat girl to date you.
396. Fan cover for your computer.
39/206: donuts
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 07 22:02:48 1993
397. Use it like a spill cover over top of a coffee cup, so you won't spill
coffee while you are driving.
40/206: more users...
Name: Fenris Wolf #10 @17320
Date: Wed Sep 08 08:47:33 1993
398: to put underr computers so they don't scrape the desk when you move them
399: pads in shoes
400: to hang on your wall to remind you of diequick food.
Name: Skylar Youngblood #477 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 09 09:34:08 1993
401: Get a bag of 'em and leave them in the back of the Sawyer's Minivan
until they rot and smell REALLY bad (CwOiUsGhHy) :)
Name: Wishbringer #73 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 09 18:38:08 1993
402: Build a house out of them. When it comes time to move, you can just eat
your house.
43/206: hehe
Name: Slayer #36 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 09 23:31:44 1993
403: Stick it up your ass.
44/206: hehe x 2
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Fri Sep 10 11:49:30 1993
404. Stick it up Slayer's mom's ass
45/206: 405
Name: Scout #133 @17320
Date: Fri Sep 10 13:12:19 1993
405 Use as a lure for cops
46/206: ..
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Fri Sep 10 19:14:43 1993
406. Use it as a lure for DEA agents trying to seize your illegal drugs.
407. Use it as a lure for DEA agents trying to seize your vitamin supplements.
408. Use it as a lure for ATF agents.
409. Use it as a lure for FBI agents.
410. Use it as a lure for Secret Service agents.
411. Use it as a lure for Bill Clinton when he has the munchies.
412. Trade your donuts for ones with different sets of mold on them.
(collect 'em all!)
47/206: A first time here
Name: Big Ben #510 @17320
Date: Fri Sep 10 20:49:25 1993
RE: ..
» 412. Trade your donuts for ones with different sets of mold on them.
» (collect 'em all!)
413. Coffee cup coaster
414. Golf ball Holder
415. Ping-pong ball holder
416. Get people to come up with 1001 things to do with it
48/206: 417
Name: The Fatman #492 @17320
Date: Wed Sep 15 12:46:49 1993
417 Do whatever comes naturally
Name: Skylar Youngblood #477 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 18 17:39:04 1993
RE: 417
BY: The Fatman #492 @17320 - WWIVLink
418. Mash it up into a really compact, neat, hard little ball and drop it off
of the Empire State building...then run down the stairs real fast and see who
you killed.
419. Do the above, except run down REALLLLY fast and try to catch it...
50/206: donuts
Name: <<< Blue Falcon #573 @17320 >>>
Date: Sat Sep 25 00:05:52 1993
421. Put wire frames on two donuts and wear them as glasses...just so people
will ask WHY?
51/206: more things to do with donuts
Name: Blue Falcon #573 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 25 00:07:34 1993
422. Let one get stale and then use it as the bass for a BONG!
52/206: donutes, donuts, rah, rah, rah
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 25 02:08:56 1993
423. Freebase the doughnuts into a rock form. Smoke them.
424. Freebase the doughnuts into a rock form. Smoke them, and die of a
cardiac arrest from the doughnuts stimulated your heart too much.
425. Develop a physical addiction to the doughnuts...
426. Develop a physical addiction to the doughnuts, and go into rehab.
The Apostate Angel
53/206: more donuts...
Name: War Shrike #486 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 25 11:49:28 1993
427. Bong donut additives and preservatives
428. Bong donut additives and preservatives and get a terrible infection
Name: Skylar Youngblood #477 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 25 20:19:56 1993
429. Use them as roll-on deoderant.
430. Umm...Eat them? Somehow I think this has already been listed...
431. Make a REALLY REALLY big donut, walk into the computer lab with it, shove
a few computers into the dough, and walk out...
Yes...I AM desperate for a computer... :)
Name: Coughdrop #147 @17320
Date: Sat Sep 25 22:29:41 1993
432. Use as a little corral for tiny plastic mini-goats.
433. Use as a decorative stand for dildos.
56/206: ..
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Sun Sep 26 02:18:21 1993
434. Use as non-carcinogenic replacement for breast-implant material (rather
than, say, Silicon)
435. Use as non-carcinogenic replacement for penile-implant material
436. Roll down an Ethiopian hill and watch them chase it
Be Strong.
Be Wrong.
57/206: donut
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Mon Sep 27 16:51:08 1993
437. Use them for shot glass huggers.
Name: Skylar Youngblood #477 @17320
Date: Mon Sep 27 21:31:12 1993
438. Use it as a mouse pad to draw circles on.
439. Inner tube for midgets.
*shrug* Not very creative tonight...
59/206: .
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 28 00:30:40 1993
440. Attach metal to the doughnuts and make a throwing-doughnut.
441. Make a paded sword paded only with doughnuts.
442. Be Molested By Crustaceans and break my finger with the sword.
443. Sword Armor, just like chain mail (is this a duplicate?)
444. Land on a deserted island with huge crates of doughnuts and eat til you
445. Spell out "HELP" on that island with the crates of doughnuts.
446. Spell out "SEND MORE DOUGHNUTS" on that same island.
447. Smother small children by dropping tons of doughnuts on them.
448. Invent a new, addictive kind of doughnut.
449. Give the new doughnut-methamphetamine to school children and get them
450. Make a living out of illegal doughnut-methamphetamine distribution.
451. Make a living out of illegal doughnut-methamphetamine SMUGGLING.
452. Melt the doughnuts into a rock form and free base the "crystal dunkin
453. Get in the Guiness Book of World Records for "most uses of a doughnut
The Apostate Angel
60/206: more uses
Name: Scout #133 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 28 13:48:34 1993
RE: .
BY: Satan #1 @17320 - WWIVLink
454. Use it as the center piece in modern art.
61/206: more?
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 28 18:20:52 1993
RE: more uses
BY: Scout #133 @17320 - WWIVLink
» 454. Use it as the center piece in modern art.
455. Use them as bench cushions in a modern art museum.
456. Encode data on them, use them to replace the CD.
<hell, if you don't like the album, just eat it>
457. Fill the bottom of The Pit with them, jump of the roof.
458. Beat people over the head who can't count in sequence. <like me>
459. Heh Heh... I said 59... donughts are cool.
62/206: Whatever..........
Name: War Shrike #486 @17320
Date: Tue Sep 28 23:08:03 1993
460. Use them to clean CD's.
461. Use them to clean windows.
462. Use that food additive in them as an all purpose cleaner.
463. Use that food additive in them as a(n) universal solvent.
63/206: donuts
Name: <<< Floyd #218 @17320 >>>
Date: Wed Sep 29 09:43:10 1993
464. Line up a dozen or so, then FUCK THE HELL OUT OF THEM!!!!
Name: Molested By Crustaceans #208 @17320
Date: Wed Sep 29 14:16:49 1993
65/206: .m.o.r.e.
Name: Vic #134 @17320
Date: Wed Sep 29 16:45:47 1993
BY: Molested By Crustaceans #208 @17320 - WWIVLink
466. Flog all monotheists
467. Flog War Shrike
468. Flog him again
469. heh heh.. this time I said 69.. heh heh, that was cool.
66/206: donuts
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Wed Sep 29 21:52:46 1993
470. Use one as a cock-ring.
471. Girls could use them as scrunchies for thier hair.
472. Use several of them as a sort of "dick-warmer".
473. Use them for 'brillo pads'.
474. Use one as a 'whirl-a-wheel' for hamsters.
475. Use them as 'hand grips' for those really big pencils.
476. Use it for the 'O' in the Jell-o commercials. JELL-O
67/206: okay....
Name: War Shrike #486 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 00:28:38 1993
477. Paint them bright pascal colors and mount them on MBC's head...
478. See if ya can hit its broad side with a 12 gauge...
479. Try again and again till you finally think you have.
68/206: or
Name: Andy O #559 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 11:15:35 1993
480. Hula Hoops for Barbie
69/206: lsakd;jf
Name: Coughdrop #147 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 15:27:04 1993
481. Put them in your closet so you clothes have a fresh donuty smell.
482. Large ring for swollen finger after Molested by Crustations has mauled it
like a grape goat.
483. Take two and place parallel and place 5 inches apart. Stick index cards
in them.. Now you have a budget rolodex.
484484. Use as replacement wheels for rollerblades.
485. Put inside thick book and place other heavy items on top. Later, you
will have beautiful pressed donuts. (Grandma's love these.)
486. Cut into fractions. Paste to posterboard. Use as visual pie charts.
Hur> 443. Sword Armor, just like chain mail (is this a
Hur> duplicate?)
Yes it is.
Does that mean we are down to 485 then?
486/66DX2. Stick in pig's mouth before roasting at a Luau.
70/206: 486/66DX2 = 487 in my book.
Name: Molested By Crustaceans #208 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 21:53:28 1993
Before I start adding to the list:
Hey, War Strike: 1) What is a PASCAL color?
2) Isn't shooting someone against your religion?
Ever hear "Thou shalt not kill?"
488. Illuminate paths for airport runways.
489. Edible pencilboxes for EE classes.
490. Origami!
491. Creative hair piece for Sy Sperling.
492. A RISC processor with an instruction set reduced to ZERO!
493. Flog UNIX machines.
494. Flog Fenris Wolf before he makes a viscious comment about #493.
495. Open people's minds. (This may also require a good clever.)
71/206: 470. Use one as a cock-ring is a duplicate.
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 23:34:22 1993
RE: donuts
BY: Lucifer #105 @17320 - WWIVLink
470 (new). Use one as an ass-plug.
The Apostate Angel
72/206: and you missed #487 (486-66DX2 was a re-443 becaused 443 was a dupe)
Name: Satan #1 @17320
Date: Thu Sep 30 23:37:15 1993
RE: 486/66DX2 = 487 in my book.
BY: Molested By Crustaceans #208 @17320 - WWIVLink
487. USe doughnuts to teach people to count.
...and the real next one...
496. Drop tons of doughnuts on Hiroshima and re-experience the definition
of ultimate carnage.
The Apostate Angel
Name: George Bush #20 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 01 02:19:21 1993
497. Things to strangle erinn with
498. Substitute for Spaghetti-O's
499. Pancakes
500. Buttafucco, buttafucco, buttafucco
George Bush
74/206: More on those useful donuts...
Name: Meow #123 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 01 04:00:42 1993
BY: George Bush #20 @17320 - WWIVLink
#501- For Ryan to shove his tiny ass dick in and fuck the all the cre out.
#502- Sorry about that one, I was thinking about cheerios...
75/206: DOUGHNUTS.
Name: Ziggy #593 @17320
Date: Thu Oct 07 13:45:14 1993
Use it as an adapter for people with small dicks to girls with big pussys
76/206: Donuts
Name: Albert Belle #410 @17320
Date: Thu Oct 07 15:29:02 1993
BY: Ziggy #593 @17320 - WWIVLink
» Use it as an adapter for people with small dicks to girls with big
» pussys
i guess that would be #503...
#504 - Connect them together and make a necklace
77/206: ...
Name: Tummigummi #57 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 08 12:17:56 1993
#505 Use a whole bunch of stale ones to throw at people getting publicaly
exucuted and things like that ...
78/206: donuts
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 08 15:33:17 1993
505. Smash them flat and use them as Floppy Disc.
79/206: oops
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 08 15:34:19 1993
that last one should have been 506 ..sorry
80/206: haha
Name: Lucifer #105 @17320
Date: Fri Oct 08 15:53:33 1993
507. Use the middle of the jellydonuts to store cum in, just like a sperm