< Q-scan The Clinton Bashing Sub 22 - 51 msgs >
1/51: Well, any port.
¤¤¤¤¤ Permanent Message ¤¤¤¤¤
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Thu Jan 20 20:06:54 1994
Not really the place for this, but this is the only political type sub around.
I would be interested in feedback, comments, ect. for this pipedream revision
of federal government. This is part 1 of a multiple part series, but don't
hold your breath for the other parts, I'll get to them someday.
House of Representatives
- House of Representatives converted to stock style system,
whereby total number of votes is based on the number of
registered voters in the nation.
- A national governmental BBS would be set up to provide
local dial in access nation wide, plus terminals will
be set up in libraries and government buildings.
- A prebill will be issued for general discussion and
- A prebill can be introduced as a bill by:
1) one or more representatives who control X number
of voter proxies.
2) a popular introduction of X number of voters
3) a combination of 1 & 2, provided the voters have not
been already represented by a representative with
regard to this bill.
X to be decided.
- A bill may only deal with ONE issue, i.e. no sub-bills or
- A bill may not be altered or added to once introduced.
- Proxies may be reallocated as the voter sees fit.
- Representatives salary and staff will be based on the
number of proxies held, but only up to a given limit.
- Proxies must be reissued every 3 years, or they become
null and void.
- No notification or reminders to update proxies is allowed.
- Once a bill has been introduced, a vote maybe called for
only after 30 days, unless the bill has been declared a
priority bill. Then it maybe voted on after 10 working
days. However a priority bill requires X times the
number of voters to introduce as a regular bill. X to
be decided to prevent general usage of the priority
label for non-priority issues.
- The President may bring a bill to vote immediately by
declaring it an emergency bill. However, a normal
voting will take place after 7 days. If the vote fails,
the bill is repealed. Another vote taken at the same
time will decide if the bill was really an emergency.
If a President fails the normal vote for a bill, or the
emergency label vote, 3 times he will be removed from
- 10 days before a bill is brought to vote, a public
announcement will be made in all daily newspapers,
another on the day Congress votes.
- Congress will vote first.
- Once Congress votes, a voter may see through the National
BBS how their proxy was voted. The voter may vote
directly overriding their proxy, if they so chose.
- The voting for Congress will close after 12 hours, and
general voting will start on the first midnight
thereafter, and close on midnight 5 working days later.
- No polls or intermediate results will be released, results
will only be released AFTER all voting closes.
National BBS System
- The system will provide local modem access, as well as
terminals placed in libraries, and government
buildings, such as the Court house, and DMV.
- All prebills, bills, and representative voting records
will be placed on this system, plus areas for
discussion on various issues.
- Each registered voter will be given a secure account on
the system.
- Proxy reissuing, and or reallocation maybe done over the
BBS, or through the postal system using computer read cards.
- The BBS will notify the voter of such changes after 24
hours, and if not read after 5 working days, a postal
notification will be sent. If a postal notification is
required, a reply must be sent, otherwise this voters
proxy is null and void until such time as the proper
steps are followed.
- A semi-annual statement of proxy activity, voting records,
and status will be sent.
- An similar annual statement will be made, but a reply must
be returned for the proxy to remain active.
- Every 2 years, account information must be verified in
person with local authorities, at which time a new password
must be selected for the account. (password, to denote
method of secure access, whatever that maybe.)
- Previous passwords may not be reused within a 10 year
- A password may be altered at anytime, but must be done
through local authorities.
- The Senate will operate on the same method as the House of
Representative, but on a state basis.
- Once the state votes, the vote precentages, for and
against, will be cast into the National vote.
- The final precentages in the National vote will decide the
issue for the Senate.
Note: It may not even be necessary to have a Senate under
the proposed system.
Ok, feedback. What I'm looking for for this section, is any loopholes that
could be used to bypass, alter, misrepresent, control, or otherwise prevent
the people from having a more direct voice in their government. Notice, under
this system, there are NO minorities, and everyone has EQUAL representation.
Not like now where a precentage of people (those who voted for the other
candidate) have no representation of their chosing.
I not interested, currently, about weither such a system will ever be put into
place (probably, almost certainly not). But rather as a hypotical case, would
such a system work. And if so would it work better, the same as, or worse than
the system we currently use.
2/51: no shit
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:00:41 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
» But they do need cause to stop you... (check out g-files on what to
» do if stopped everybody), which of course isn't really a limitation to
» them.
I've had to show id TWO different times for being at a fucking playground.
Another time just for walkign around when it was late at night.
fucking assholes
3/51: CD
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:01:49 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
» etc.
Does it have crickets and horses?
remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was with a
"100 sounds" CD.
The Apostate Angel
4/51: megadeth (hate it when people to death, like the fucking recordstoers)
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:04:07 1994
RE: whoa
BY: Spicolli #717 @666
» 1) Countdown
» 2) Killing
» 3) Peace Sells
» 4) So Far
» 5) Rust
I'd have to go:
1) So Far
2) Peace Sells
I don't know where I'd put killing/rust and haven't heard Countdown
(disenchanted with Megadeth a long time before it came out, and haven't liked
any recent MTV-Megadeth)
The Apostate Angel
5/51: it's
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:04:28 1994
RE: Is it just me....
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666
»» good luck with the snow
» Or is everyone else tired of all this fucking snow and ice?
prettycool last night when you are really fucked up
The Apostate Angel
6/51: damn
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:05:18 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
» i'm a compulsive, i brush 7-8 times a day.
after the xgiving/xmas break that i had 4 teeth pulled and 6 fillings, i was
brushing like 5 times a day. this summer i had 5 more fillings (4?)(6?), and
realized brushing compulsively just doesn't really seem to help any more than
1-2 times a day... sucks...
7/51: hmm
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:05:53 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
» I just see the evolution differently.
graph it
8/51: hmm
Name: Crow #637 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:58:28 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
» i'm a compulsive, i brush 7-8 times a day.
Not compulsive, DETERMINED.
9/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:40:31 1994
RE: ..
BY: Satan #1 @666
» I have had to present id to cops many times for no reason... I can
» think of 3 off-hand...
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel
I was wrong
Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576
10/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:41:09 1994
BY: Satan #1 @666
»» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
»» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
»» etc.
» Does it have crickets and horses?
» remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was
» with a "100 sounds" CD.
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel
Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576
11/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:41:45 1994
RE: hmm
BY: Satan #1 @666
»» I just see the evolution differently.
» graph it hehe
I'll get to it.
Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576
12/51: oh
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 23:12:47 1994
RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666
»»» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
»»» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
»»» etc.
»» Does it have crickets and horses?
»» remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was
»» with a "100 sounds" CD.
»» Satan
»» The Apostate Angel
» no....
No you haven't heard the phoenmaiel message or no it wasn't the CD with
crickets and horses and other stuff?