< Q-scan The Clinton Bashing Sub 22 - 51 msgs >

1/51: Well, any port.
¤¤¤¤¤ Permanent Message ¤¤¤¤¤
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Thu Jan 20 20:06:54 1994

Not really the place for this, but this is the only political type sub around.

I would be interested in feedback, comments, ect. for this pipedream revision
of federal government. This is part 1 of a multiple part series, but don't
hold your breath for the other parts, I'll get to them someday.

House of Representatives

- House of Representatives converted to stock style system,
whereby total number of votes is based on the number of
registered voters in the nation.

- A national governmental BBS would be set up to provide
local dial in access nation wide, plus terminals will
be set up in libraries and government buildings.


- A prebill will be issued for general discussion and

- A prebill can be introduced as a bill by:

1) one or more representatives who control X number
of voter proxies.

2) a popular introduction of X number of voters

3) a combination of 1 & 2, provided the voters have not
been already represented by a representative with
regard to this bill.

X to be decided.

- A bill may only deal with ONE issue, i.e. no sub-bills or

- A bill may not be altered or added to once introduced.


- Proxies may be reallocated as the voter sees fit.

- Representatives salary and staff will be based on the
number of proxies held, but only up to a given limit.

- Proxies must be reissued every 3 years, or they become
null and void.

- No notification or reminders to update proxies is allowed.


- Once a bill has been introduced, a vote maybe called for
only after 30 days, unless the bill has been declared a
priority bill. Then it maybe voted on after 10 working
days. However a priority bill requires X times the
number of voters to introduce as a regular bill. X to
be decided to prevent general usage of the priority
label for non-priority issues.

- The President may bring a bill to vote immediately by
declaring it an emergency bill. However, a normal
voting will take place after 7 days. If the vote fails,
the bill is repealed. Another vote taken at the same
time will decide if the bill was really an emergency.
If a President fails the normal vote for a bill, or the
emergency label vote, 3 times he will be removed from

- 10 days before a bill is brought to vote, a public
announcement will be made in all daily newspapers,
another on the day Congress votes.

- Congress will vote first.

- Once Congress votes, a voter may see through the National
BBS how their proxy was voted. The voter may vote
directly overriding their proxy, if they so chose.

- The voting for Congress will close after 12 hours, and
general voting will start on the first midnight
thereafter, and close on midnight 5 working days later.

- No polls or intermediate results will be released, results
will only be released AFTER all voting closes.

National BBS System

- The system will provide local modem access, as well as
terminals placed in libraries, and government
buildings, such as the Court house, and DMV.

- All prebills, bills, and representative voting records
will be placed on this system, plus areas for
discussion on various issues.

- Each registered voter will be given a secure account on
the system.

- Proxy reissuing, and or reallocation maybe done over the
BBS, or through the postal system using computer read cards.

- The BBS will notify the voter of such changes after 24
hours, and if not read after 5 working days, a postal
notification will be sent. If a postal notification is
required, a reply must be sent, otherwise this voters
proxy is null and void until such time as the proper
steps are followed.

- A semi-annual statement of proxy activity, voting records,
and status will be sent.

- An similar annual statement will be made, but a reply must
be returned for the proxy to remain active.

- Every 2 years, account information must be verified in
person with local authorities, at which time a new password
must be selected for the account. (password, to denote
method of secure access, whatever that maybe.)

- Previous passwords may not be reused within a 10 year

- A password may be altered at anytime, but must be done
through local authorities.


- The Senate will operate on the same method as the House of
Representative, but on a state basis.

- Once the state votes, the vote precentages, for and
against, will be cast into the National vote.

- The final precentages in the National vote will decide the
issue for the Senate.

Note: It may not even be necessary to have a Senate under
the proposed system.

Ok, feedback. What I'm looking for for this section, is any loopholes that
could be used to bypass, alter, misrepresent, control, or otherwise prevent
the people from having a more direct voice in their government. Notice, under
this system, there are NO minorities, and everyone has EQUAL representation.
Not like now where a precentage of people (those who voted for the other
candidate) have no representation of their chosing.

I not interested, currently, about weither such a system will ever be put into
place (probably, almost certainly not). But rather as a hypotical case, would
such a system work. And if so would it work better, the same as, or worse than
the system we currently use.

2/51: no shit
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:00:41 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

» But they do need cause to stop you... (check out g-files on what to
» do if stopped everybody), which of course isn't really a limitation to
» them.

I've had to show id TWO different times for being at a fucking playground.
Another time just for walkign around when it was late at night.
fucking assholes

3/51: CD
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:01:49 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
» etc.

Does it have crickets and horses?

remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was with a
"100 sounds" CD.

The Apostate Angel

4/51: megadeth (hate it when people to death, like the fucking recordstoers)
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:04:07 1994

RE: whoa
BY: Spicolli #717 @666

» 1) Countdown
» 2) Killing
» 3) Peace Sells
» 4) So Far
» 5) Rust

I'd have to go:

1) So Far
2) Peace Sells

I don't know where I'd put killing/rust and haven't heard Countdown
(disenchanted with Megadeth a long time before it came out, and haven't liked
any recent MTV-Megadeth)

The Apostate Angel

5/51: it's
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:04:28 1994

RE: Is it just me....
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666

»» good luck with the snow
» Or is everyone else tired of all this fucking snow and ice?

prettycool last night when you are really fucked up

The Apostate Angel

6/51: damn
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:05:18 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

» i'm a compulsive, i brush 7-8 times a day.

after the xgiving/xmas break that i had 4 teeth pulled and 6 fillings, i was
brushing like 5 times a day. this summer i had 5 more fillings (4?)(6?), and
realized brushing compulsively just doesn't really seem to help any more than
1-2 times a day... sucks...

7/51: hmm
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 15:05:53 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

» I just see the evolution differently.

graph it

8/51: hmm
Name: Crow #637 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 17:58:28 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

» i'm a compulsive, i brush 7-8 times a day.

Not compulsive, DETERMINED.


9/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:40:31 1994

RE: ..
BY: Satan #1 @666

» I have had to present id to cops many times for no reason... I can
» think of 3 off-hand...
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel

I was wrong

Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576

10/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:41:09 1994

BY: Satan #1 @666

»» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
»» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
»» etc.
» Does it have crickets and horses?
» remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was
» with a "100 sounds" CD.
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel


Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576

11/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 19:41:45 1994

RE: hmm
BY: Satan #1 @666

»» I just see the evolution differently.
» graph it hehe

I'll get to it.

Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576

12/51: oh
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Fri Feb 11 23:12:47 1994

RE: ...
BY: Vic #134 @666

»»» it has a lot of weird stuff, farts, burps, car crashes, flame
»»» throwers, dentist drills, hits, stabbings, choppins, weird music,
»»» etc.
»» Does it have crickets and horses?
»» remember that phonemail msg i made of the cat getting shot? That was
»» with a "100 sounds" CD.
»» Satan
»» The Apostate Angel
» no....

No you haven't heard the phoenmaiel message or no it wasn't the CD with
crickets and horses and other stuff?

The Apostate Angel

13/51: ...
Name: Vic #134 @666
Date: Sat Feb 12 02:11:46 1994

RE: oh
BY: Satan #1 @666

» No you haven't heard the phoenmaiel message or no it wasn't the CD
» with crickets and horses and other stuff?
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel

well, i haven't heard the phonemail. and I don't have that CD, but I have
one that does have crickets and horses and 80 others...

Function Is The Key...
Sysop - The Waiting Room 23576

not just animals

14/51: right
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Sat Feb 12 03:25:45 1994

not just animals...

15/51: megadeth
Name: Spicolli #717 @666
Date: Sat Feb 12 11:36:12 1994

RE: megadeth (hate it when people to death, like the fucking recordstoers)
BY: Satan #1 @666

» I don't know where I'd put killing/rust and haven't heard Countdown
» (disenchanted with Megadeth a long time before it came out, and
» haven't liked any recent MTV-Megadeth)
» Satan

dude...you HAVE to listen to Countdown....I have it on CD if you ever want to
stop by......(you know where I live)......I think it is worth it......but even
if you don't like it, you need to hear it......

Co-Sysop-The Dark Side
of the Moon

16/51: huhuh
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Sun Feb 13 23:59:39 1994

RE: megadeth
BY: Spicolli #717 @666

» dude...you HAVE to listen to Countdown....I have it on CD if you ever
» want to stop by......(you know where I live)......I think it is worth
» it......but even if you don't like it, you need to hear it......

You live way far away. I've gone to upper quad only maybe 15 times in 4
semesters (including walking through to go to McDonald's.. the only upper quad
dorms i've BEEN in are Monteith several times, Shanks once, and some other
dorm once)....

(lazy excuses)

Mail me it in phonemail (just kidding).

I'll borrow it whenevr I meet you, however. :)

The Apostate Angel

Name: Spicolli #717 @666
Date: Mon Feb 14 12:27:40 1994

RE: huhuh
BY: Satan #1 @666

» You live way far away. I've gone to upper quad only maybe 15 times in
» 4 semesters (including walking through to go to McDonald's.. the only
» upper quad dorms i've BEEN in are Monteith several times, Shanks once,
» and some other dorm once)....
» (lazy excuses)
» Mail me it in phonemail (just kidding).
» I'll borrow it whenevr I meet you, however. :)
» Satan

HHow about I come over there?......If so, when and what room, etc......It
would be cool to meet Satan and be able to walk away...hehehe.....


18/51: megadeth
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Tue Feb 15 11:17:21 1994

BY: Spicolli #717 @666

» HHow about I come over there?......If so, when and what room,
» etc......It would be cool to meet Satan and be able to walk
» away...hehehe.....

bring it to the next norml meeting

19/51: ok
Name: Spicolli #717 @666
Date: Tue Feb 15 16:32:27 1994

RE: megadeth
BY: Satan #1 @666

|-- ·Satan said -- ·· ···
» BY: Spicolli #717 @666
»» HHow about I come over there?......If so, when and what room,
»» etc......It would be cool to meet Satan and be able to walk
»» away...hehehe.....
» bring it to the next norml meeting
ok....if you have any older Ministry, bring it...I want to hear their older


20/51: older Ministry
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Wed Feb 16 19:51:16 1994

RE: ok
BY: Spicolli #717 @666

»» ok....if you have any older Ministry, bring it...I want to hear their older

Look elsewhere.. I don't like stuff that sucks..

The Apostate Angel

21/51: Ministry
Name: Spicolli #717 @666
Date: Thu Feb 17 14:09:34 1994

RE: older Ministry
BY: Satan #1 @666

|-- ·Satan said -- ·· ···
» RE: ok
» BY: Spicolli #717 @666
»»» ok....if you have any older Ministry, bring it...I want to hear their
» Look elsewhere.. I don't like stuff that sucks..
» :)
» Satan
» The Apostate Angel

wow, you are one of the first people that I have bbsed to that doesn't like
Ministry......like I say, I haven't heard their old stuff but I really like
Psalm 69.....


22/51: yeah
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Thu Feb 17 22:25:14 1994

RE: Ministry
BY: Spicolli #717 @666

»»»» ok....if you have any older Ministry, bring it...I want to hear their
»» Look elsewhere.. I don't like stuff that sucks..
»» :)
»» Satan
»» The Apostate Angel
» wow, you are one of the first people that I have bbsed to that doesn't
» like Ministry......like I say, I haven't heard their old stuff but I
» really like Psalm 69.....

Dude, I love Ministry. I really wouldn't mind it at all if ALL music sounded
like "In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up (Live)". But if it all sounded
like "Twitch", I'd sell my CDs, quit school, and try to start a band that made
some real music... heh...

The Apostate Angel

23/51: I have
Name: Haywire #596 @666
Date: Fri Feb 18 01:04:14 1994

RE: older Ministry
BY: Satan #1 @666

»»» ok....if you have any older Ministry, bring it...I want to hear their
» Look elsewhere.. I don't like stuff that sucks..

I have a 12" of "with Sympathy" but it sucks...........It is just a show
peice. I also have "Twitch"


24/51: hey
Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Wed Feb 23 13:38:26 1994

RE: I have
BY: Haywire #596 @666

» show peice. I also have "Twitch"

Twitch -> Psalm 69 rule

With Sympathy ... hahahaha

25/51: ha ha ha
Name: Haywire #596 @666
Date: Wed Feb 23 14:46:08 1994

RE: hey
BY: Santiago #471 @666

» Santiago
» With Sympathy ... hahahaha



26/51: ha ha ha
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Wed Feb 23 20:45:45 1994

RE: ha ha ha
BY: Haywire #596 @666

»» Santiago
»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha
» Santiago....hahahahahahaha!


27/51: .....
Name: Haywire #596 @666
Date: Fri Feb 25 00:26:48 1994

RE: ha ha ha
BY: Satan #1 @666

»»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha
»» Santiago....hahahahahahaha!
» Twitch...hahahahahahaha!


Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Fri Feb 25 12:18:26 1994

RE: ha ha ha

»» Santiago
»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha

» Haydick
» :]


29/51: huh?
Name: Haywire #596 @666
Date: Mon Feb 28 11:50:15 1994


»»» Santiago
»»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha
»» Haydick
»» :]

that's a little much, I mean we are gonna be roomies, but alas! That is all I
can ever be to you...........our love was never meant to happen.


30/51: An offer
Name: Mad Marquis #647 @666
Date: Tue Mar 01 03:01:28 1994

RE: huh?
BY: Haywire #596 @666

»»»» Santiago
»»»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha
»»» Haydick
»»» :]
» Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh................. that's a little much, I mean
» we are gonna be roomies, but alas! That is all I can ever be to
» you...........our love was never meant to happen.

Hey Santiago, do you need some warding devices like crosses....garlic...
Nooses...a .44 .... Hand grenades ...If you do, I might be able to get you a
good deal.

The Mad One
me? sarcasm? Never!

31/51: hmm
Name: Crow #637 @666
Date: Tue Mar 01 19:05:42 1994

RE: An offer
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666

» Hey Santiago, do you need some warding devices like
» crosses....garlic... Nooses...a .44 .... Hand grenades ...If you do, I
» might be able to get you a good deal.

ANybody heard about the new .41??
Bring on the hurting.


»» Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh................. that's a little much, I mean
»» we are gonna be roomies, but alas! That is all I can ever be to
»» you...........our love was never meant to happen.

Vampire Extermination for hire.....


32/51: hmmm
Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Tue Mar 15 06:38:22 1994

RE: An offer
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666

»»»»» Santiago
»»»»» With Sympathy ... hahahaha
»»»» Haydick
»»»» :]
»» Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh................. that's a little much, I mean
»» we are gonna be roomies, but alas! That is all I can ever be to
»» you...........our love was never meant to happen.
» Hey Santiago, do you need some warding devices like
» crosses....garlic... Nooses...a .44 .... Hand grenades ...If you do, I
» might be able to get you a good deal.
» The Mad One
» me? sarcasm? Never!
Maybe I should begin to choose my vessels from the bbs.

It _is_ tempting


33/51: hmm
Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Tue Mar 15 06:39:10 1994

RE: hmm
BY: Crow #637 @666

» CrOw

still haven't seen crow anywhere ...

I am feeling a little parched lately


34/51: Bad idea
Name: Mad Marquis #647 @666
Date: Tue Mar 15 12:17:17 1994

RE: hmmm
BY: Santiago #471 @666

» Maybe I should begin to choose my vessels from the bbs.
» It _is_ tempting

But think of what the sour blood could do to you...

The Mad One

35/51: Their at it again.
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Tue Mar 15 20:46:52 1994

I recently heard yet another blast concerning Waco. The 11 Branch Davidans
there were found innocent... The charges have been reinstated!

Not through the current legal trickery of declaring a mistrial, or trying them
under local, state, or federal laws instead. No, the jury, failed (or so the
judge claims), to specifically mention minor items and points concerning each
charge. Thus (or so the judge feels) they can be retried for these minor
points, but since those points fall under the definitions of the previous
charges, it's just a minor point that they'll also be tried for the major
issues as well. Charges they were found innocent of. God, I love the way
government obeys the Constitution, Federal, and Civil Law.

36/51: hmm
Name: Crow #637 @666
Date: Tue Mar 15 23:43:34 1994

RE: hmm
BY: Santiago #471 @666

»» CrOw
» still haven't seen crow anywhere ...
» I am feeling a little parched lately
» Santiago

oh.... I'm around... you just haven't looked...
I am the chill that is in the air.

37/51: ugh
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Wed Mar 16 00:39:57 1994

RE: Their at it again.
BY: Scout #133 @666

|-- ·Scout said -- ·· ···
» I recently heard yet another blast concerning Waco. The 11 Branch
» Davidans there were found innocent... The charges have been
» reinstated!
» Not through the current legal trickery of declaring a mistrial, or
» trying them under local, state, or federal laws instead. No, the jury,
» failed (or so the judge claims), to specifically mention minor items
» and points concerning each charge. Thus (or so the judge feels) they
» can be retried for these minor points, but since those points fall
» under the definitions of the previous charges, it's just a minor point
» that they'll also be tried for the major issues as well. Charges they
» were found innocent of. God, I love the way government obeys the
» Constitution, Federal, and Civil Law.

Mistrial is bad enough.

This sucks.

38/51: um...
Name: Haywire #596 @666
Date: Wed Mar 16 13:25:19 1994

RE: Bad idea
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666

»» Maybe I should begin to choose my vessels from the bbs.
»» It _is_ tempting
» But think of what the sour blood could do to you...
never mind that soour blood thing.......

»» Maybe I should begin to choose my vessels from the bbs.

Just think how hard it will be to sail some of these vessels!


39/51: Chill?
Name: Mad Marquis #647 @666
Date: Thu Mar 17 00:14:06 1994

RE: hmm
BY: Crow #637 @666

» oh.... I'm around... you just haven't looked...
» I am the chill that is in the air.

Even better reason to kill you then.

The Warm One

40/51: hey
Name: George Bush #20 @666
Date: Thu Mar 17 13:27:13 1994

I thought that this was the Clinton Bashing Sub - how come nobody is bashing
him.....oh yeah ......nevermind.....I remember now.....this is Satan's

George Bush

41/51: agreed
Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Fri Mar 18 11:35:47 1994

RE: Bad idea
BY: Mad Marquis #647 @666

»» Maybe I should begin to choose my vessels from the bbs.
»» It _is_ tempting
» But think of what the sour blood could do to you...

I knew there was _some_ reason I hadn't bothered...

plus the blood of women tases better, and it appears we're down to 0 females


42/51: Bush
Name: Spicolli #717 @666
Date: Fri Mar 18 16:15:26 1994

RE: hey
BY: George Bush #20 @666

» I thought that this was the Clinton Bashing Sub - how come nobody is
» bashing him.....oh yeah ......nevermind.....I remember now.....this is
» Satan's board......
» George Bush

heheh....let's bash the wonderful man we know as GEORGE BUSH...."read my lips,
no new taxes"


43/51: ok
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Sat Mar 19 11:42:45 1994

RE: Bush
BY: Spicolli #717 @666

» heheh....let's bash the wonderful man we know as GEORGE BUSH...."read
» my lips, no new taxes"

Taxes brought on by uncontrolled Democrat spending in Congress.

44/51: Joke
Name: Lucifer Sam #674 @666
Date: Sun Apr 17 19:47:41 1994

Why do homosexuals like Clinton?
They prefer an asshole to Bush...

Lucifer Sam

45/51: hahahahahahahhhaha
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Sun Apr 17 20:38:27 1994

Good joke there.

46/51: Guns
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Mon Apr 25 12:14:53 1994

ohibit them from state and county lands as well.
into law (namely HCI). For those of you who support limiting our rights to own
g unlawful the assembly of more than 4 armed individuals who
ot peace officers or military
most hunting parties consist of four, we recognize the need
iminate the currently legal assembly of shooters for
ilitary training on private lands. This is just one good
stion for our elimination of the "gun culture" from the
proper requirements, and be able shell out serious money each year.
to curb hunting on all public lands.
sports are an anathoma to a civilized society, however, it has
a political reality that the hunters and their ilk have too
g of a strangle hold on Congress. We feel that the impending
t of high tech assault "killing machines" will open the door
strictions. With the diminishing number of hunters, we feel
perhaps in five years we can open up much more of our country
mpers and hikers, and eliminate the threat to families out
ng, by looking at much more restrictions as to what parcels
nd will allow hunting. This will not infringe on sportsmen's
to hunt on private land.
SUITE 1100
g Gun Owners Records and Photos matter of public record
uld have to assemble a legal team, in order to investigate the
ce of the right to privacy and the right to safeguard public.
lly endorse the photographing and fingerprinting of all gun
s, however, these records are usually relegated to law
cement only. We think that it would be a good idea to make
records public, so that the communities can have the knowledge
o poses a danger to their community before disaster strikes.
alize that this proposal would probably be controversial, thus
g public affairs campaign would have to be initiated in order
ild public support and ease the transition of such an idea.
el that this idea has merit,
David Birenbaum
[pg 8]
Larry Lowenstein
an be justified via the past publication of the names of water
rs during the drought, customers for prostitution, and deadbeat
ts who are delinquent on child support.
Jeanne Shields
m Police Checks for Weapons (like sobriety checkpoints)
idea was floated before in California in 1989, where some
ht it would be a great deterrent to gang related crimes for
e to do sweeps for gang weapons. Right now this idea may have
resistance, however, the political climate can become right
itiate these random vehicle stop and checks at all levels
n all types of neighborhoods. If we continue to mainstream
ressure we can make this a reality.
Sandy Cooney
Stamped Recieved
all that is going on, who knows what is possible in the next
ears? With murders in the streets, and the public fed up,
he once mighty thugs of the Gun Lobby whimpering in impotence
ve an opportunity to change the face of America for the better!
ously we thought that it would take at least a century to
nate dangerous weapons and guns from the public hands, but now
allies in the White House and Congress, we can accelerate this
, and make the barbaric NRA extinct!!! Here are some ideas to
der for the long term:
Notes and Minutes form Meeting of Friday, December 17, 1993
ng of military acoutrements
tial to the Neanderthal gun culture are the typical military
ing, camouflage, pouches, and gear, boots and other combat
They euphemistically refer to this as 'militaria'.
nation of the future sale of these items will cripple the
re of violence well into the 21st century.
It was decided to forward the following to the national office for
ter guidelines for violence in television and the movies
ould look at the possibility of victims of violence by copying
t on television and the movie or video screen, suing the makers
ch shows for compensation to their suffering. If the industry
t regulate itself, we may have to eventually look at an
endent branch of government, to determine which scenes cause
harm than good to the public and regulate the numbers of violent
Press Releases:
[pg 9]
releases and studies which can be timed to one released to the media per
otal Elimination of arms from Society
nnot survive into the 21st century unless we remember the need
pand our wave to new thinking to the total disarmament of
ca. With much of the public disarmed we can become more like
Britain, where we can also eliminate the need for much of our
e to be armed. This would take a long time, however, a
rted public relations campaign can pressure local law
cement to give up their arms, when the time comes. Weapons,
be still available to special units like SWAT or the military.
which the NRA thugs will not be able to stop, or their few pawns in Congress
ol of Dangerous literature (Bomb making, machinegun conversions,
uch irresponsible material is purportedly covered by the 1st
ment, however, the time will come when our nation has to agree
some literature does not belong in a safe society, like
uction manuals on how to kill, or how to make homemade
sives, or nuclear bombs. We must realize that there can be
as thing as too much freedom where such literature poses a
us threat to the public safety.
[pg 1]
sounds the death knell for the bully tactics of the NRA and
ulture of violence in America!!
Reno for their political courage for standing up to the old boy network
e pressing on all fronts and much of this can become reality
r than we expect. With the loss of power and clout of the NRA
heir various smaller crony orginizations crumbling to dust,
n eliminate a 200 year old license to murder into history, and
the 21st century a safer place for our children and our
ren's children.

[pg 10]
* Ban on all semiautos which can fire more than 6 bullets without
HCI - Confidential Document

Attachment 1:
ceived Stamped CONFIDENTIAL
* Banning of all machine guns, destructive devices, short shotguns/
ntial Information for use by Lobbyists or Senior Officers ONLY!
ed License Fees - 1994-1995 Gun Control Proposals
* Arsenal Licensing (for possession of multiple guns and large
d on calculated costs of records maintenance, centralized computer
t up, cost of new computer and record keeping equipment,
ative costs of new federal and state offices, cost of enforcement
ction, and calculated cost of gun violence to society.
(Thank you Mr. Clinton!!!).
tings and the documentation used to calculate these suggested fee
will be made available to Federal Law Enforcement Authorities and
Dept. of the Treasuury for review, when the time is right.
l material will be made available to key politicians when proposing
elated legislation. These suggestions will be instrumental in
ng the nature of future gun control legislation and proposals.


un License Fees:
an begin at a relatively low cost to discourage non-compliance:
Fee Schedule: $50 - $75 annual fee

d be raised to reflect the cost of enforcement and discourage new
Fee Schedule: $150 - $250 annual fee
e ownership has not been prohibited by this time then fees can be
increased to discourage private ownership:
Fee Schedule $550 - $625 annual fee
ideas for 1994, but we are confident that with continued pressure we
[pg 1]
years. The following list is condensed from our meeting in which
sted penalties for non-compliance with licensing:
s would have to be formally outlined by state and federal lawmakers)
ure to acquire license
000 / 6 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms
ure to maintain license
000 / 12 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms
ure to turn over guns for desturction after lapse of license
,000 / 18 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms
o re-new license or notify issuing authority of change of status
considered a felony. All firearms own would be then considered
d and could then be confiscated. State or local law enforcement
es would be prohibited from retaining or re-selling any confiscated
A record of destruction would have to be issued via common carrier
deral government not later than 60 days after confiscation.
2 License for Rifle and Shotguns
& Shotgun License:
an begin at $30 or at a cost determined to maintain federal records
hip and registration.
Fee schedule: $30 - $148 annual fee
We want to take a workable idea from Great Britian, whereas, we
Liccensing of Firearms:
s can collect revenue by initiating state license requirements.
of Justice for each state will be responsible for initiating the
at the state level. The licensing fees would be relatively equal
federal fee requirements.
Fee schedule: $74 - $150 annual fee
any legislation required purchasers to show a need for a firearm.
Licensing of Firearms:
Treasury Dept. should look into any legal precedent which will allow
al authorities to allow cities and towns to restrict ownership or
licensing requirements, with the cost of each annual license to
he cost of records maintenance and enforcement.
Fee schedule: $48 - $113 annual fee
that any number of guns constitutes a grave threat to the safety
[pg 2]
be reduced to possession greater than 5 guns and 250 rounds of
al License: (currently at 20 guns or 1000 rds of ammo)
Fee schedule: $300 - $1000 annual fee
Yearly Fee Schedule:
wned exceed 20 - $200 per gun over the limit
ty exceeds 1000 - $100 per each 50 rounds over the limit
flexible due to requirements of local law enforcement)
attributed to these deadly weapons.
sted Penalty for Non-Compliance of Arsenal Licensing Law:
8 mos in jail, confiscation of all firearms related property and the
n of ability to own firearms. (Final Disposition would have to be
d by the Dept. of Justice and the state and federal legislatures)

Fee schedule : $228 - 392 annual fee
ed on calculations of set up of computerized records keeping system,
nt and registration processing)
owners should be required to have a storage safe which meets
ition Registration & License:
Fee schedule: $55 - $117 fee for license to buy ammunition
ed on calculations of set up of computerized records keeping system,
nt and registration processing)

al license for Re-Loading (or possesion of re-loading equipment)
fee schedule: $130 - $175 annual fee
licensing of all safes. Each safe would be registered with a
ition Safe License Fee:
Fee schedule: $55 - $75 annual fee
Since unannounced inspectors can insure that all declared weapons
license (New Federal License on Target, outdoor/indoor ranges)
Fee schedule: $12,100 - $15,500 annual fee

Tax Fee (imposed on Federally licensed gun ranges)
Fee schedule: $85 - $100 collected per person, per visit
9 Ban on Manufacturing in counties with a population of more than
[pg 3]
Guns are being built all the time and the number of licensed
ction License: (Verifying the records of guns and storage)
d defray the cost of inspection of firearms safes in businesses or
Fee schedule: $588 - $678 annual fee
10 Banning all military style firearms
estions which can be made immediately available to Key Politicians
the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury:
remotely military appearance. We feel that this aggressive
ase Dealers License (Federal Firerams License 01 and 02):
Fee schedule: $600 - $750 annual fee
can eventually be expanded to high powered air guns and "paint
ased Title 1 Manufacturing Fees:
Fee schedule: $6,200 - $9,400 annual fee

ased Title 2 Manufacturing Fees:
Fee schedule: $13,405 - $18,210 annual fee
Periodicals such as "The Shotgun News" particularly cater to
stimate of the fiscal impact of the licensing of fireamrs ownership:
Feinstein's courageous section of the crime bill is successful
Worst Case: Best Case:
andgun License: $50 $625
ifle & Shotgun License: $30 $148
License Fee: $74 $150
License Fee: $48 $113
icense Fee: $300 $1,000
nse Fee: $228 $392
n License Fee: $55 $117
al government estimates that around 65-75 Million Ameriacans own
regulate the carrying of a firearm.

13 Banning replacement parts (mfg, sale, possession, transfer,
installation) except barrel, trigger group.
Thousands of people are building illegal weapons every day. We
can put a dent in this by banning parts and parts kits, except
whose items like the barrel and trigger group, which are most
likely to wear out due to use.

14 Elimination of the Curio Relic list
A gun is a gun. Even an old gun can kill people. This is a
loop hole in the federal law which has allowed thousands of
dangerous weapons to be distributed unchecked. This regulation,
if enacted, would automatically eliminate the need for a Curio or
Relic collector's license. All handguns, rifles and shotguns would
fall into the same category as their modern counterparts.

15 Control of Ammuntion belonging to Certain Surplus Firearms
Senator Moynihan has already proposed a tax or ban on .22 LR, 32
ACP, and 9mm ammo, however, it has been pointed out to us that there
is an extreme proliferation of high powered surplus rifles (i.e.
the Mosin-Nagant series and Enfield series) in which the wholesale
prices are as low as $45-$75. We suggest that to control the
proliferation of violence associated with the large numbers of these
types of weapons entering this country that we ban the importation
of their ammunition, 7.62x54R and .303 R surplus ammuntion.

16 Eventual Ban of Handgun Possession
This may be closer to reality than many of us think. Handguns are
becoming increasingly unpopular and we think that within five years
we can enact a total ban on possession at the federal level.

17 Banning of Any ammo that fits military guns (post 1945)
With the proliferation of high powered weapons, including semi-
automatics and automatics from World War II, we suggest following
the lead of Mexico, by prohibiting the sale, manufacture, possesion
or transfer of any caliber fitting a military firearm in service
with a recognized military force after 1945.

[pg 5]

Ammunition and Explosives:

18 Banning of any quantity of smokeless powder or black powder which
would constitute more than the equivilant of 100 rounds of
With the bombing the World Trade Center, it has been made clear
that we must reinforce the above proposed regulation with this
additional notation. It is arguable that none has any real need to
have so much dangerous material on hand.

19 Ban on the possession of explosive powders of more than 1 kilogram
at any one time.
Gun nuts are notorious for circumventing the intent of the law, so
we can reinforce the above proposed regulation with this additional
notation. This additional language can be useful in preventing
"bomb-maker" and other dangerous individuals.

20 Banning of High Powered Ammo or Wounding ammo
In addition to the banning of military calibers, there is a
plethora of dangerous rounds which are too high powered for sporting
use. This includes the highest calibers of pistol and rifle
ammunition (of note are the monster calibers for rifles and pistols,
like the .50 caliber Desert Eagle Bullet). We should not forget
the lessons learned with the insidious Black Talon Ammo. Hollow
points, Glaser killing rounds and other types of ammunition designed
specifically for maiming should be prohibited.

21 A National License for Ammuntion
This is an idea whose time has come. We should look at a Federal
License for purchasing of ammunition of all kinds. A special form
should be forwarded to a new federal office to track those who are
purchasing too much ammunition. Remember that a gun is useless
without ammunition.

22 Banning or strict licensing of all re-loading components
Ammunition regulation laws can be regularly bypassed by home loaders,
creating an underground cottage industry of ammo manufacture.
Possession or purchase of re-loading equipment and machines should
be restricted and those who wish to use specially loaded ammunition
can go to a federally licensed 're-loader'.

23 National Registration of ammunition or ammo buyers
Fees colledted from the national licenses should go towards a
nationwide database of ammo buyers, with a possible background check
to eliminate the purchase of dangerous ammo by felons or mental

[pg 6]

24 Requirement of special storage safe for ammunition and licensing
Like the storage safe for guns, there should be a national
requirement for special safes to store ammo. These safes should
be tamper proof and fireproof and be registered themselves so that
on the spot inspections can be held. Again, the costs for these
inspections can be absorbed by the license fees.


25 Restricting Gun Ranges to counties with populations less than 200,000
The obvious threat to public safety of shooting ranges and stray
bullets has been lost on many states and counties. We can initiate
a federal mandate or incentives to get states to prohibit any kind of
shooting range within a county with a population of more than

26 Special Licensing of ranges
Those ranges which conform to the previous requirement should get
special licensing above and beyond that which is required now.
Additional each existing or new shooting range must get in writing
the permission of all property owners within a radius of seven miles.

27 Special Range Tax to visitors
Additional revenue can be a surtax on ranges, requiring the
collection of a minimum of $85.00 per visit per person. This can
be in addition to required membership fees, upon which the state
and local governments get a sizeable portion, to help defray the
immense cost of gun violence.

28 Waiting period for rentals on pistol ranges
It has been suggested in the past that felons can aquire pistols
and other automatic weapons without a background check by renting
a gun on a target range. Derranged individuals are basically
being given a license to 'practice hunting humans' at these so
called 'sporting ranges'. We think that a national waiting period
for gun rentals is yet another idea whose time has come.

Activities which promote Gun Violence

29 Banning Gun Shows
Illegal transfers and the sales of assault weapons and submachine
guns is a common event at these so called gun shows. A huge dent
can be made in the illegal trafficking of weapons by banning these
shows altogether.

[pg 7]

30 Banning of military reenactments
The questionable "historical" value of these events has escaped
public scrutiny for too long. Many of these so called historical
events are mere excuses for gun nuts to blast the countryside with
automatic weapons. What is to keep them from loading live bullets
and having those stray bullets kill innocent children? What lives
in the future will be lost due to this paramilitary training going
on right under our noses? We propose the prohibition of
Survivalist/paramilitary, World War I and World War II and Civil
War Re-enactments on federal land, and hope to encourage the states
to prohibit them from state and county lands as well.

31 Making unlawful the assembly of more than 4 armed individuals who
are not peace officers or military
Since most hunting parties consist of four, we recognize the need
to eliminate the currently legal assembly of shooters for
paramilitary training on private lands. This is just one good
suggestion for our elimination of the "gun culture" from the

32 Begin to curb hunting on all public lands.
Blood sports are an anathoma to a civilized society, however, it has
been a political reality that the hunters and their ilk have too
strong of a strangle hold on Congress. We feel that the impending
defeat of high tech assault "killing machines" will open the door
to restrictions. With the diminishing number of hunters, we feel
that perhaps in five years we can open up much more of our country
to campers and hikers, and eliminate the threat to families out
camping, by looking at much more restrictions as to what parcels
of land will allow hunting. This will not infringe on sportsmen's
right to hunt on private land.

33 Making Gun Owners Records and Photos matter of public record
We would have to assemble a legal team, in order to investigate the
balance of the right to privacy and the right to safeguard public.
We fully endorse the photographing and fingerprinting of all gun
owners, however, these records are usually relegated to law
enforcement only. We think that it would be a good idea to make
these records public, so that the communities can have the knowledge
of who poses a danger to their community before disaster strikes.
We realize that this proposal would probably be controversial, thus
a long public affairs campaign would have to be initiated in order
to build public support and ease the transition of such an idea.
We feel that this idea has merit,

[pg 8]

and can be justified via the past publication of the names of water
wasters during the drought, customers for prostitution, and deadbeat
parents who are delinquent on child support.

34 Random Police Checks for Weapons (like sobriety checkpoints)
This idea was floated before in California in 1989, where some
thought it would be a great deterrent to gang related crimes for
police to do sweeps for gang weapons. Right now this idea may have
some resistance, however, the political climate can become right
to initiate these random vehicle stop and checks at all levels
and in all types of neighborhoods. If we continue to mainstream
the pressure we can make this a reality.


With all that is going on, who knows what is possible in the next
few years? With murders in the streets, and the public fed up,
and the once mighty thugs of the Gun Lobby whimpering in impotence
we have an opportunity to change the face of America for the better!
Previously we thought that it would take at least a century to
eliminate dangerous weapons and guns from the public hands, but now
with allies in the White House and Congress, we can accelerate this
trend, and make the barbaric NRA extinct!!! Here are some ideas to
consider for the long term:

Banning of military acoutrements
Essential to the Neanderthal gun culture are the typical military
clothing, camouflage, pouches, and gear, boots and other combat
gear. They euphemistically refer to this as 'militaria'.
Elimination of the future sale of these items will cripple the
culture of violence well into the 21st century.

Stricter guidelines for violence in television and the movies
We should look at the possibility of victims of violence by copying
an act on television and the movie or video screen, suing the makers
of such shows for compensation to their suffering. If the industry
cannot regulate itself, we may have to eventually look at an
independent branch of government, to determine which scenes cause
more harm than good to the public and regulate the numbers of violent
acts portayed.

[pg 9]

The total Elimination of arms from Society
We cannot survive into the 21st century unless we remember the need
to expand our wave to new thinking to the total disarmament of
America. With much of the public disarmed we can become more like
Great Britain, where we can also eliminate the need for much of our
police to be armed. This would take a long time, however, a
concerted public relations campaign can pressure local law
enforcement to give up their arms, when the time comes. Weapons,
would be still available to special units like SWAT or the military.

Control of Dangerous literature (Bomb making, machinegun conversions,
Too much irresponsible material is purportedly covered by the 1st
Amendment, however, the time will come when our nation has to agree
that some literature does not belong in a safe society, like
instruction manuals on how to kill, or how to make homemade
explosives, or nuclear bombs. We must realize that there can be
such as thing as too much freedom where such literature poses a
serious threat to the public safety.

1994 sounds the death knell for the bully tactics of the NRA and
the culture of violence in America!!

We are pressing on all fronts and much of this can become reality
sooner than we expect. With the loss of power and clout of the NRA
and their various smaller crony orginizations crumbling to dust,
we can eliminate a 200 year old license to murder into history, and
enter the 21st century a safer place for our children and our
children's children.

[pg 10]

HCI - Confidential Document

Attachment 1:
Samped Received Stamped CONFIDENTIAL
Signed 1/6/94

Confidential Information for use by Lobbyists or Senior Officers ONLY!

I. Proposed License Fees - 1994-1995 Gun Control Proposals

Fees based on calculated costs of records maintenance, centralized computer
system set up, cost of new computer and record keeping equipment,
administrative costs of new federal and state offices, cost of enforcement
and inspection, and calculated cost of gun violence to society.

These listings and the documentation used to calculate these suggested fee
schedules will be made available to Federal Law Enforcement Authorities and
the U.S. Dept. of the Treasuury for review, when the time is right.
Additional material will be made available to key politicians when proposing
any fee related legislation. These suggestions will be instrumental in
determining the nature of future gun control legislation and proposals.


a) Handgun License Fees:
Year 1 to 2:
Program can begin at a relatively low cost to discourage non-compliance:
Suggested Fee Schedule: $50 - $75 annual fee

Year 3 to 4:
Fees would be raised to reflect the cost of enforcement and discourage new
Suggested Fee Schedule: $150 - $250 annual fee

Year 5 to 8:
If private ownership has not been prohibited by this time then fees can be
gradually increased to discourage private ownership:
Suggested Fee Schedule $550 - $625 annual fee

[pg 1]

b) Suggested penalties for non-compliance with licensing:
(Penalties would have to be formally outlined by state and federal lawmakers)
(a) Failure to acquire license
$1,000 / 6 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms
(b) Failure to maintain license
$5,000 / 12 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms
(c) Failure to turn over guns for desturction after lapse of license
$15,000 / 18 mos in jail and revocation of ability to own firearms

Failure to re-new license or notify issuing authority of change of status
would be considered a felony. All firearms own would be then considered
contraband and could then be confiscated. State or local law enforcement
authorities would be prohibited from retaining or re-selling any confiscated
firearm. A record of destruction would have to be issued via common carrier
to the federal government not later than 60 days after confiscation.

c) Rifle & Shotgun License:
Program can begin at $30 or at a cost determined to maintain federal records
on ownership and registration.
Suggested Fee schedule: $30 - $148 annual fee

d) State Liccensing of Firearms:
The states can collect revenue by initiating state license requirements.
The Dept. of Justice for each state will be responsible for initiating the
programs at the state level. The licensing fees would be relatively equal
with the federal fee requirements.
Suggested Fee schedule: $74 - $150 annual fee

e) Local Licensing of Firearms:
The U.S. Treasury Dept. should look into any legal precedent which will allow
the federal authorities to allow cities and towns to restrict ownership or
initiate licensing requirements, with the cost of each annual license to
reflect the cost of records maintenance and enforcement.
Suggested Fee schedule: $48 - $113 annual fee

[pg 2]

f) Arsenal License: (currently at 20 guns or 1000 rds of ammo)
Suggested Fee schedule: $300 - $1000 annual fee
Alternate Yearly Fee Schedule:
If guns owned exceed 20 - $200 per gun over the limit
If ammo qty exceeds 1000 - $100 per each 50 rounds over the limit
(Fees are flexible due to requirements of local law enforcement)

g) Suggested Penalty for Non-Compliance of Arsenal Licensing Law:
$5,000 / 8 mos in jail, confiscation of all firearms related property and the
revocation of ability to own firearms. (Final Disposition would have to be
determined by the Dept. of Justice and the state and federal legislatures)

h) Safe License:
Suggested Fee schedule : $228 - 392 annual fee
(Fees based on calculations of set up of computerized records keeping system,
enforcement and registration processing)

i) Ammunition Registration & License:
Suggested Fee schedule: $55 - $117 fee for license to buy ammunition
(fees based on calculations of set up of computerized records keeping system,
enforcement and registration processing)

j) Federal license for Re-Loading (or possesion of re-loading equipment)
Suggested fee schedule: $130 - $175 annual fee

k) Ammunition Safe License Fee:
Suggested Fee schedule: $55 - $75 annual fee

l) Range license (New Federal License on Target, outdoor/indoor ranges)
Suggested Fee schedule: $12,100 - $15,500 annual fee

j) Range Tax Fee (imposed on Federally licensed gun ranges)
Suggested Fee schedule: $85 - $100 collected per person, per visit

[pg 3]

k) Inspection License: (Verifying the records of guns and storage)
This would defray the cost of inspection of firearms safes in businesses or
pribate homes)
Suggested Fee schedule: $588 - $678 annual fee

II. Suggestions which can be made immediately available to Key Politicians
and the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury:

a) Increase Dealers License (Federal Firerams License 01 and 02):
Suggested Fee schedule: $600 - $750 annual fee

b) Increased Title 1 Manufacturing Fees:
Suggested Fee schedule: $6,200 - $9,400 annual fee

c) Increased Title 2 Manufacturing Fees:
Suggested Fee schedule: $13,405 - $18,210 annual fee

III. An Estimate of the fiscal impact of the licensing of fireamrs ownership:

Worst Case: Best Case:
Federal Handgun License: $50 $625
Federal Rifle & Shotgun License: $30 $148
State Gun License Fee: $74 $150
Local Gun License Fee: $48 $113
Arsenal License Fee: $300 $1,000
Safe License Fee: $228 $392
Ammunition License Fee: $55 $117

47/51: More
Name: Scout #133 @666
Date: Mon Apr 25 12:16:13 1994

Sorry about that, ran out of room, but you get the idea.

I'll upload the entire file for Satan, and he may make it available.

48/51: Thanks.
Name: Mad Marquis #647 @666
Date: Tue Apr 26 00:26:28 1994

RE: More
BY: Scout #133 @666

|-- ·Scout said -- ·· ···
» Sorry about that, ran out of room, but you get the idea.
» I'll upload the entire file for Satan, and he may make it available.

Loved the way it spammed my machine nicely.

The Mad One

49/51: uhh
Name: Satan #1 @666
Date: Wed Apr 27 16:53:12 1994

use the //UPLOAD command to upload a message, and then post it.

Very standard to several thousand boards around the country...
(at least 2500+, which means some 5% + of all bbses)

The Apostate Angel

50/51: that sucked
Name: Santiago #471 @666
Date: Thu Apr 28 11:46:57 1994

RE: Guns
BY: Scout #133 @666

|-- ·Scout said -- ·· ···

scout.... don't ever do that again

this is why people summarize/edit things


51/51: dumb post
Name: Lucifer #105 @666
Date: Sat Apr 30 13:38:28 1994

fuck that shit..i almost hung up.

< The Clinton Bashing Sub Q-Scan Done >