Haber, Karen: Eek:misc Hackett, Buddy: Garfield And Friends:guest[Airborne Odie] Haddad, Paul: CARTOONS: Free Willy:Willy Haddad, Paul: LIVE SERIES: Tales From The Crypt:misc Hagerty, Julie: King Of The Hill:Ally[Three Coaches And A Bobby] Hahn, Archie: Droopy Master Detective:misc Hahn, Archie: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Spiderman:Felicia Hardy/Black Cat[Partners In Danger] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: The Tick:Carmelita Vatos Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: The Tick:leading lady[Sidekicks Don't Kiss] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Jessie(alternate) Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:McCollum[Undersea Urgency] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:female voice[The Dark Mountain] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:house computer[The Robot Spies] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Kate[The Ballad Of Belle Bonnet] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Iron Man:Julia Carpenter/Spiderwoman Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Iron Man:The Ghost(fem 3rd,w/Tom Kane And Jamie Horton) Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Skeleton Warriors Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Carmen Sandiego:Ivy Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Mighty Ducks:TAS:Mallory Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Bruno The Kid:Leecy Davidson Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Twisted Tales Of Felix The Cat:misc Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: The Pink Panther Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Adventures From The Book Of Virtues:guest?[Honesty] Hale, Jennifer: CARTOONS: Swat Kats:Lieutenant[Cry Turmoil/Swat Kats Unplugged] Hale, Jennifer: LIVE MOVIES: In The Line Of Duty/Midnight Murders:Mary Ann Kahl Hale, Jennifer: LIVE MOVIES: Love Potion No. 9(1991):catty woman Hale, Jennifer: LIVE MOVIES: Traveling Man(1989):Joey Hale, Jennifer: GAMES: Wing Commander:something Haley, Graham: Droids Haley, Jackie: Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home Haley, Michael: The Maxx:The Maxx Hall, Michael: Ace Ventura:TAS:Ace Ventura Hall, J.D.: CARTOONS: Spiderman:Blade The Vampire Hunter Hall, J.D.: ANIMATED MOVIES: Bebe's Kids:additional voices Hallahan, Charles: Gargoyles:Travis Marshall[The Gathering,Ransom,Hunter's Moon] Hallahan, Charles: Gargoyles:Janitor[Ransom] Halsey, Clayton: Carmen Sandiego:misc Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: The Tick:Dr. Julius Pendecker[Devil in Diapers] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Real Adventures of Jonny Quest:Eldoradoan[In The Realm Of The Condor] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:General Volstok/guard[General Winter] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Johnny Bravo:Rhino/King Raymond[Bungled In The Jungle] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Mina And The Count:Count[Interlude With A Vampire] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Garfield And Friends:guest[The Clash Of The Titans] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Swat Kats:Johnny[guest or regular?] Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Cowboys Of Moo Mesa:misc Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Spiderman:Hobgoblin Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Batman:TAS:The Joker Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Batman:TAS2 Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: 2 Stupid Dogs:misc Hamill, Mark: CARTOONS: Red Planet Hamill, Mark: LIVE SERIES: Third Rock From The Sun:himself[guest] Hamill, Mark: ANIMATED MOVIES: Hollyrock-a-Bye Baby:unknown Hamill, Mark: ANIMATED MOVIES: "Phantom 2040:The Ghost Who Walks" Hamill, Mark: LIVE MOVIES: Star Wars trilogy:Luke Skywalker Hamill, Mark: GAMES: Wing Commander IV and maybe V:good guy Hammond, Earl: ThunderCats Handford, Roscoe: WildCATS:Zealot Hanes, James: Spawn:Violator[#2,#4],Overkill[#3] Hanes, Jamie: Carmen Sandiego:misc Hanes, Jamie: Duckman:guest[Bonfire Of The Panties] Hannah, Elizabeth: WildCATS Harada, Ernest: Addams Family:misc Hardison, Kadeem: Captain Planet:misc Hardwick, Johnny: King Of The Hill:Dale Gribble Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Talos[The New Olympians] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Gargoyles:Boreas[The New Olympians] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Tick:Pineapple Pokopo[Vs. Pineapple Pokopo,Coach Fussell's Lament] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Tick:Taft[That Mustache Feeling,Ants In Pants] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Tick:golfer[Vs. Prehistory],cop[Ants In Pants] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Tick:scientist #2[That Mustache Feeling] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Tick:George Washington Carver/man[Leonardo DaVinci And His Fightin' Genius Time Commandos!] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Kriggle,chef[Escape Claws] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:General/boy scream[Monsters Are Real] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:accident victim[Walk Like A Man] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:worker[Beast With Four Eyes] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:bulldozer guy[The Great Escape] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:cop[Dark Sentinel] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:cop[Ndovu's Last Journey] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Superman:TAS:Ron Troupe Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Spiderman:Tombstone[Neogenic Nightmare:Tablet Of Time] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: The Mask:guest(island guy?)[All Hail The Mask] Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Iron Man:James Rhodes/War Machine,Stilt Man Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:Splinter Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Biker Mice From Mars:Modo,Mr.Century Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Jonny Quest Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Cowboys Of Moo Mesa:misc Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Aladdin:Murk,Sootennai Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Sigfried And Roy Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Capital Critters:Moze Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Animaniacs:Spike Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Bonkers:Officer Stark Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Carmen Sandiego:misc Harewood, Dorian: CARTOONS: Sonic(weekend):misc Harewood, Dorian: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Pagemaster:Jamaican pirates Harewood, Dorian: MINISERIES: Beulah Land(1980):Floyd Harewood, Dorian: MINISERIES: "Roots:The Next Generations"(1979):Simon Haley Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: Glitter(1984):Earl Tobin Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: Time Trax(1993):John Shaw[guest] Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: Strike Force(1981):Sgt. Paul Strobber Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: Trauma Center(1983):Dr. Nate "Skate" Baylor Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: I'll Fly Away:Clarence "Cool Papa" Charleston Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: The Trials Of Rosie O'Neill(1990):Hank Mitchell Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: China Beach(1988):[guest] Harewood, Dorian: LIVE SERIES: Viper:Julian Wilkes Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Full Metal Jacket(1987):Eightball Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Foster And Laurie(1975) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Panic In Echo Park(1977) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Tank(1984):Sergeant Tippet Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Gray Lady Down(1978):Fowler Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: 12 Angry Men(1997):juror #5 Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Sudden Death(1995):Hallmark Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Shattered Image(1994):Hardy Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Against All Odds(1984):Tommy Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Sparkle(1976):Levi Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Kiss Shot(1989):Kevin Merrick Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Looker(1981):Lieutenant Masters Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Getting Up And Going Home(1992) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: High Ice(1980):Lt. Zack Hawkins Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: God Bless The Child(1988):Calvin Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Pacific Heights(1990):Dennis Reed Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Polly(1989) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Desire Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: The Vampire/I Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Desire(1982) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Siege(1978) Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: The Falcon And The Snowman(1984):Gene Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Polly - Comin' Home(1990):Dr. Shannon Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: The Ambush Murders(1982):Ray Ellsworth Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: The Jesse Owens Story(1984):Jesse Owens Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: Crisis/Solar Crisis/Starfire(1990):Borg Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: NOTE:Crisis aka Kuraishisu Niju-Goju Nen Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: An American Christmas Carol(1979):Matt Reeves Harewood, Dorian: LIVE MOVIES: "Guilty Of Innocence:Lenell Geter Story":Geter Harlan, Otis: ANIMATED MOVIES: Snow White:Happy Harlowe, Brittany: CARTOONS: Robotech Harlowe, Brittany: ANIMATED MOVIES: Lily C.A.T. Harnell, Jess:Jess Harnell Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Sewer Urchin,The Human Bullet,Speak,Chief Louder Harnell, Jess: The Tick:The Breadmaster[Vs. The Breadmaster,Vs. Dot And Neil's Wedding] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:NOTE:Breadmaster played by Martin Jarvis in Vs. Europe Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Maitre D'[The Little Wooden Boy And The Belly Of Love] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Bearded Man[That Mustache Feeling],guest[Vs. El Seed] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Enemy Awards announcer[Armless But Not Harmless] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:What Navigator[Vs. The Big Nothing],Watt[Heroes] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Sub-Huma/pool player[Grandpa Wore Tights] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:French astronaut[Alone Together] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:guard #2[The Tick Loves Santa!] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Todd/waiter[Vs. The Mole-Men] Harnell, Jess: The Tick:Mighty Agrippa[Vs. The Tick] Harnell, Jess: 2 Stupid Dogs:additional voices Harnell, Jess: 2 Stupid Dogs::Secret Squirrel:Secret Squirrel Harnell, Jess: Freakazoid:Wakko Harnell, Jess: Pepper Ann Harnell, Jess: Red Planet Harnell, Jess: Biker Mice From Mars:misc Harnell, Jess: Road Rovers:Hunter Harnell, Jess: The Mask:redneck???[Up The Creek],guest[Mother Of All Hoods] Harnell, Jess: Twisted Tales Of Felix The Cat:misc Harnell, Jess: Bobby's World:misc Harnell, Jess: Animaniacs:Wakko Warner,Walter Wolf Harnell, Jess: The Pink Panther:misc Harnell, Jess: Roger Rabbit:Roger Rabbit(after 1991) Harnell, Jess: Shnookums And Meat:misc Harold, Elliot: The Tick:Mad Bomber[Armless But Not Harmless] Harold, Elliot: The Tick:bouncer/guard #1/answering machine[Armless But Not Harmless] Harper, Angel: Captain Planet:additional cast Harper, Olivia Virgil: Captain Planet:additional cast Harrelson, Woody: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Woody[Fear Of Flying] Harrelson, Woody: LIVE SERIES: Cheers:Woody Harrelson, Woody: LIVE MOVIES: Natural Born Killers Harrelson, Woody: LIVE MOVIES: Kingpin:main guy Harrington Jr., Pat: Duckman:misc Harrington Jr., Pat: Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home:used car dealer?[guest] Harrington Jr., Pat: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:George Washington/boss[#5013] Harrington Jr., Pat: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Shorty McGinty/cop[The Great Escape] Harris, Doc: Dragon Ball Z Harris, Estelle: CARTOONS: The Tick:Ruth[Vs. Dot And Neil's Wedding] Harris, Estelle: CARTOONS: The Mask:Sgt. Halloway's mom[Mother Of All Hoods] Harris, Estelle: LIVE SERIES: Seinfeld:Estelle Costanza(George's mom) Harris, Jo Ann: The Simpsons:Wanda[Flaming Moe's],many others Harris, Jonathan: The Mask:guest(crook?)[Convention Of Evil] Harris, Jonathan: Casper Harris, Jonathan: The Mask:guest[Boogie With The Man] Harris, Phil: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Jungle Book:Baloo Harrison, George: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:himself[Homer's Barbershop Quartet] Harrison, George: PERSONAL: was in The Beatles Hartman, Butch: Pfish And Chip:Chip Hartman, Elizabeth: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Secret Of Nimh:Mrs. Brisby Hartman, Haven: 2 Stupid Dogs:misc Hartman, Haven: Red Planet Hartman, Karen: Animaniacs:Kitty Dukockis Hartman, Karen: Carmen Sandiego:misc Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Lionel Hutz,Troy McClure,Plato[Old Money] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:himself,Tom[Brother From The Same Planet] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:tv voices[Homer Vs. Lisa/8th Commandment] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:stockbroker[Burns Verkaufen derKraftwerk] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:[The Itchy And Scratchy And Poochie Show] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Australian diplomat[Bart Vs. Australia] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:voice of Heaven[Bart Gets Hit By A Car] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Mr.Mundt[Brother From The Same Planet] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Moses[Homer Vs. Lisa/8th Commandment] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Smooth Jimmy Apollo[Lisa The Greek] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Lyle Lanley[Marge Vs. The Monorail] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Evan Conover[Bart Vs. Australia] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Critic:psycho image consultant[Eyes On The Prize] Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: Animaniacs:Dan Anchorman Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: Captain Planet:at least one appearance Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: The Jetsons(as Philip Hartmann) Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: Droopy Master Detective:misc Hartman, Phil: CARTOONS: Smurfs(as Philip Hartmann) Hartman, Phil: LIVE SERIES: Saturday Night Live Hartman, Phil: LIVE SERIES: News Radio Hartman, Phil: LIVE SERIES: Night Stand:Gunther(German comedian)["Immagrants"] Hartman, Phil: PERSONAL: sometimes listed as Philip Hartmann Hartman, Haven: 2 Stupid Dogs:additional voices Hartman, Haven: Aladdin:TAS Hartman, Haven: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Karla[Ezekiel Rage] Harvey, Don: Superman:TAS:Gnaww[The Main Man] Harvey, Don: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Milos Duncek[The Haunted Sonata] Hastings, Bob: Batman:TAS:Commissioner Gordon Hastings, Peter: Animaniacs:Writer Hatteo, Tom: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Secret Of Nimh:Farmer Fitzgibbons Hauber, Christianne: MTV's Liquid Television::Winter Steele Hawkes, Andrew: Sigfried And Roy:Sigfried Hawkes, Terri: Sailor Moon:Sailor Moon Hayden, Pamela: The Simpsons:Milhouse,Sylvia Winfield,Mrs.Wiggum,many others Hayden, Pamela: Droopy Master Detective:misc Hayden, Pamela: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Haydn, Richard: ANIMATED MOVIES: Alice In Wonderland:Caterpillar Hayes, Billie: CARTOONS: Sigfried And Roy Hayes, Billie: CARTOONS: H.R. Puffinstuff:Witchee-Poo Hayes, Billie: PERSONAL: female Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Conan And Young Warr:misc Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Sonic(weekday):misc Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Reboot Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Pizza Boy:Dad[No Tip] Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Superman:TAS:guard[Feeding Time],Blaine[guest?] Hayes, Phil: CARTOONS: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Deke[The Dark Mountain] Hayes, Phil: PERSONAL: sometimes listed as Phillip Hayes Hays, Robert: CARTOONS: Iron Man:Iron Man/Tony Stark Hays, Robert: LIVE MOVIES: Airplane Hays, Robert: PERSONAL: is he Billie Hayes? Hayler, David: Captain Planet:misc Hayward, David: Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home Hearn, Chick: Garfield And Friends:guest[Basket Brawl,The Man Who Hated Cats] Hearn, George: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Hearn, George: Droopy Master Detective:misc Hearn, George: Captain Planet:misc Heckerling, Amy: Eek::Klutter Hefner, Hugh: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:himself[Krusty Gets Kancelled] Hefner, Hugh: PERSONAL: Playboy guy Heindenmann, Gaille: Sonic(weekend):misc Hemblin, David: WildCATS Henderson, Adam: ANIMATED MOVIES: Roujin Z:Maeda Henderson, Saffron: Dragon Ball Z:Goku Hendrie, Phil: King Of The Hill:Coach Sauers[Three Coaches And A Bobby] Henner, Marilu: ANIMATED MOVIES: "Batman:Mask Of The Phantasm":angry woman at party Henner, Marilu: HELP ME: isn't she a Olympic champion or something? Hennessey, Dan: WildCATS Hennessey, Dan: Droids Henson, Jim: LIVE ANIMATION (SERIES): The Muppets:misc Henson, Jim: LIVE ANIMATION (MOVIES): The Dark Crystal Henson, Jim: PERONONAL: creater of the Muppets,right? Hernandez, Thom Adcox:
Thom Adcox Hernandez Hernandez, Thom Adcox: CARTOONS: Gargoyles:Lexington Hernandez, Thom Adcox: CARTOONS: Gargoyles:Brentwood[The Reckoning,Genesis Undone] Hernandez, Thom Adcox: CARTOONS: Twisted Tales Of Felix The Cat:Felix The Cat Hernandez, Thom Adcox: COMMERCIALS: Rice Krispies:Snap(on more than one occasion)["Let someone in on on the fun","for a guy his size"] Herrera, Hector: Carmen Sandiego:misc Hertford, Whitby: 2 Stupid Dogs:additional voices Hess, Doris: ANIMATED MOVIES: Bebe's Kids:additional voices Hewitt, Christopher: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Lugo[Lifestyles Of The Rich And Scary] Hexler, Russ: MTV's Oddities::The Head Hibbert, Edward: Earthworm Jim:Bob,Evil the Cat,Psy-Crow Hickman, Darryl: CARTOONS: Superfriends Hickman, Darryl: PERSONAL: child actor from 40s Hickman, Darryl: PERSONAL: brother of Dwayne Hickman Hickman, Dwayne: Doby Gillis(50s):Doby Gillis Hicks, Jodi: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Secret Of Nimh:Cynthia Hildreth, Mark: Conan And Young Warr:misc Hill, Amy: Carmen Sandiego:misc Hill, Amy: Spiderman:Susan Choi[Sins Of The Fathers Pts. 6,7] Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Duckman:Charles Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Sonic(weekend):misc Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Gummi Bears:Buddy Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Droopy Master Detective:misc Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Goof Troop:misc Hill, Dana: CARTOONS: Adventures From The Book Of Virtues:guest?[Work] Hill, Dana: PERSONAL; DEAD -- born 5/6/64 Hill, Dana: died 7/15/96 Hill, Janna: LIVE ANIMATION (SERIES): Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons Hill, Matt: G.I. Joe Extreme Hill, Matt: Dino Babies Hill, Richard: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Aide/Secretary[The Spectre Of The Pine Barrens] Hirsch, Lou: Roger Rabbit:Baby Herman Hodge, Stephanie: King Of The Hill:Wendy[Three Coaches And A Bobby] Hoffman, Dustin: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Mr.Bergstrom[Lisa's Substitute] Hoffman, Dustin: LIVE SERIES: many movies Hoffman, Howard: something the couragous dog:guest?[The Chicken From Outer Space] Hoffman, Jackie: Brand Spanking New Doug Hofstedt, Daniel: ANIMATED MOVIES: Aladdin:Achmed T.,Gazeem T. Hogan, Chris: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Jigger[#5023] Holland, Savage Steve: CARTOONS: Eek::The Terrible ThunderLizards:Doc Holland, Savage Steve: CARTOONS: Eek::Klutter Holland, Savage Steve: PERSONAL: is involved (producer?) with Eek!Stravaganza Holland, Tina: Wait 'Til Your Father Gets Home Hooks, Jan: SPECIALS: Frosty Returns Hooks, Jan: LIVE SERIES: Saturday Night Live Hooks, Jan: LIVE SERIES: Designing Women Hooks, Jan: LIVE SERIES: Third Rock From The Sun:Mrs.Dubchek's daughter[guest] Holloway, Sterling: ANIMATED MOVIES: Alice In Wonderland:Cheshire Cat Holloway, Sterling: ANIMATED MOVIES: Dumbo:Mr. Stork Holloway, Sterling: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Jungle Book:Kaa Holt, Bob: Scooby Doo Holt, Bob: Dungeons And Dragons:Shadow Demon Holt, Bob: Gummi Bears:Dom Gordo of Ghent Holt, Bob: Gummi Bears:Giant[When(?) You(?) Wish Upon A Stone] Holtzman, Melanie: MTV's Oddities::The Head Hong, April: Captain Planet:additional cast Hope, Bob: The Simpsons:guest voices[Lisa The Beauty Queen] Hopkins, Glenn: Spiderman:additional voices[Neogenic Nightmare:Tablet Of Time] Hopper, Dennis: King Of The Hill:guest[4E05] Hopper, Jay: ANIMATED MOVIES: Tenchi Muyo In Love:Grandpa Horse, Michael: Gargoyles:Sergeant Peter Maza Horse, Michael: Gargoyles:Carlos Maza(Elisa's grandad)[Cloud Fathers] Horse, Michael: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Old Indian[Trouble On The Colorado] Horse, Michael: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Ames[The Ballad Of Belle Bonnet] Horse, Michael: Adventures From The Book Of Virtues:guest?[Honesty] Horsford, Anna Maria: Addams Family:misc Horst, Eddie: CARTOONS: Space Ghost Coast To Coast:guest[World Premier Toon-In] Horst, Eddie: PERSONAL: Space Ghost Coast To Coast:music,musician Horton, Edward Everett: Rocky And Bullwinkle Horton, Jamie: Iron Man:The Controller Horton, Jamie: Iron Man:The Ghost(male third,w/Jennifer Hale And Tom Kane) Horton, Michael: Spiderman:John Jameson[The Alien Costume] Horton, Michael: Spiderman:additional voices[Sins Of The Fathers Parts (6-7/14)] Horvitz, Richard: Angry Beavers:Daggett Horvitz, Richard: Johnny Bravo:Dr.Pencilneck/guard["Bravo,James Bravo"] Hoskins, Tim: The New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Hostetter, John: Spawn:additional voices[#1,#5] Houser, Jerry: Tom And Jerry Kids:misc Houser, Jerry: Droopy Master Detective:misc Houser, Jerry: Superfriends Houston, Candy: Captain Planet:misc Houston, Marques: ANIMATED MOVIES: Bebe's Kids:Kahlil Houts, Andy: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Snill,Sloolup Howard, Clint: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Jungle Book:Elephant Howard, Clint: PERSONAL: brother of director/actor Ron Howard Howard, Clint: NOTE: is supposedly in about every movie made by Ron Howard Howard, Clint: NOTE: I've seen his name in credits before. Not many Clints. Howard, Sherman: Superman:TAS:The Preserver[The Main Man] Howerton, Chuck: Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest:Vice Pres[Alien In Washington] Howerton, Chuck: The Fantastic Four:Ulysses Klaw[Prey Of The Black Panther] Howerton, Chuck: Superman:TAS:Whirly Pilot[The Last Son Of Krypton,Part (2/3)] Howerton, Chuck: PERSONAL: sometimes listed as Charles Howerton Hudson, Ernie: Superfriends Hudson, Tim: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Jungle Book:Vulture Lord Huff, Brent: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Malloy/fireman[The Rival] Huge, Thom: CARTOONS: Garfield And Friends:Jon Arbuckle,Binky The Clown,misc Huge, Thom: CARTOONS: Garfield And Friends::U.S. Acres:Roy Rooster,Gort Huge, Thom: ANIMATED SPECIALS: Here Comes Garfield:Jon Arbuckle Huge, Thom: ANIMATED SPECIALS: Garfield On The Town:Jon Arbuckle Huge, Thom: ANIMATED SPECIALS: Garfield In The Rough:Jon Arbuckle Huge, Thom: ANIMATED SPECIALS: Garfield Goes Hollywood:Jon Arbuckle Huge, Thom: PERSONAL: Garfield And Friends::U.S. Acres:songwriter:all songs Huge, Sandi: ANIMATED SPECIALS: Garfield On The Town:Garfield's mom Hughes, Finola: Superman:TAS:Lara(Superman's mom)[The Last Son Of Krypton] Hughes, Miko: Life With Louie:Tommy Anderson Hunt, Gordon: NOTE: he is only a behind-the-scenes voice-related person Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: Smurfs:recording director Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: Snorks:recording director Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: Jetsons:recording director Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: Pirates Of Darkwater:recording director Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: vocal director for Hanna Barbera in general Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: daughter is Helen Hunt Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: 2nd wife is B.J. Ward Hunt, Gordon: PERSONAL: Mad About You:guest director Hunt, Helen: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Moe's girlfriend[Dumbbell Idemnity] Hunt, Helen: CARTOONS: Captain Planet:misc Hunt, Helen: LIVE MOVIES: Twister Hunt, Helen: LIVE MOVIES: Project X Hunt, Helen: LIVE SERIES: Mad About You:Jamie Buckman Hunt, Helen: PERSONAL: Mad About You:producer of some episodes Hunt, Helen: PERSONAL: significant other is Hank Azaria Hunt, Helen: PERSONAL: stepmother is B.J. Ward Hunt, Helen: PERSONAL: father is Gordon Hunt Hunt, Helen: PERSONAL: vocal director at Hanna Barbera Hunt, Richard: LIVE ANIMATION (SERIES): The Muppets:misc Hunter, Bruce: Ace Ventura:The Animated Series:Uwe Hurtes, Hettie Lynn: Scooby Doo Huston, John: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Hobbit Huston, John: ANIMATED MOVIES: The Return Of The King Hutchinson, Harry: Aaahh!!! Real Monsters:Reed[The Rival] Hutson, Linda: Scooby Doo Hutton, Malcolm: ANIMATED MOVIES: Dumbo:Skinny Hyatt, Pam: Ace Ventura:The Animated Series:Odora Hyde-Pierce, David: CARTOONS: The Simpsons:Cecil[Brother From Another Series] Hyde-Pierce, David: LIVE SERIES: Frasier:Niles Crane(Frasier's brother) Hyman, Earle: ThunderCats