Absolutely Fabulous (*=episode name unknown) (dates are CC record dates) (mono)
NUMBER OF EPISODES: 6 + The Last Shout "movie"
    Fear (#17) (S3E5) (9/28/1997:On FOX#294)
    France (#3) (11/5/1997:On FOX#278)
    Iso Tank (#2) (11/5/1997:On FOX#278)
    Jealous (#16) (S3E4) (9/28/1997:On FOX#294)
    Pilot (#1) (11/5/1997:On FOX#278)
    The End (#18) (S3E6) (7/29/1995-8/5/1995:On FOX#13) [Series Finale]
    The Last Shout (#19) -- See MOVIES.HTM (On FOX#229)
SYNOPSIS: 1-3, 16-"19"

Bob & Margaret (dates default to CC premiere dates);
+   A Night In (#3) (S1E03) (PR#103) (New:6/29/1998:On FOX#320)
+   A Tale Of Two Dentists (#1) (S1E1) (PR#107) [Series Premiere] (ILA "Impostor Dentist":New:6/22/1998:On FOX#319)
    Blood Sweat & Tears (#2) (S1E02) (PR#102) (Magnavox:New:7/11/1998:On FOX#324) [Badminton]
+   Bob's Burglary (#4) (S1E4) (PR#101) (New:7/13/1998:On FOX#322)
+   Discomfort Of Strangers (#9) (S1E9) (PR#111) (12/7/1998:On FOX#351) (Magnavox:New:10/19/1998:On FOX#337)
+   For Peter's Sake (#8) (S1E08) (PR#108) (New:9/21/1998:On FOX#353)
+   Friends For Dinner (#10) (S1E10) (PR#109) (New:9/28/1998:On FOX#332)
+   Love's Labours Lost (#6) (S1E6) (PR#105) (New:10/5/1998:On FOX#336)
+   Neighbors (#13) (S1E13) (PR#113) (New:11/2/1998:On FOX#342)
    Shopping (#5) (S1E5) (PR#104) (interference:7/21/1998:On FOX#324)
+   The Dental Convention (#11) (S1E11) (PR#110) (New:10/12/1998:On FOX#336)
-   The Funeral -- see Trick Or Treat
    The Holiday (#7) (S1E7) (PR#106) (New:7/27/1998:On FOX#324)
+   Trick Or Treat aka The Funeral (#12) (S1E12) (PR#112) (New:10/26/1998:On FOX#338) (retape:CC 12/14/1998:On FOX#345)
SYNOPSIS: 1-13 [all of season 1]
NOTE:     As of 5/3/2002, there are 52 episodes + pilot -- 4 seasons
URL:      http://www.epguides.com/bobandmargaret/

Fawlty Towers [EPISODE GUIDE] (dates default to CC air dates) (mono)
(episodes are 30+ minutes without commercials) (some may be from PBS):
NOTE: "Gourmet Night" is listed in the episode guide as having a sign that says
      "Farty Towels" but I believe it to be "Warty Towels".
BY SIGN (*=no sign):
    *[a hospital] (The Germans) (#6) (S1E6) [Season 1 Finale] (6/3/1996:On FOX#152)
    Farty Towels  (Basil The Rat) (#12) (S2E6) [Series Finale] (4/12/1997:On FOX#253 preferred) (6/16/1996:On FOX#156)
    Fatty Owls    (The Kipper And The Corpse) (#10) (S2E4) (9/21/1997:On FOX#282) (CC 3/22/1997:On FOX#246)
    Faw Ty To Er  (The Hotel Inspectors) (#4) (S1E4) (PBS 5/19/1996:On FOX#146)
    Faw Ty Tower  (The Wedding Party) (#3) (S1E3) (4/19/1997:On FOX#251) UNWATCHED?
    Fawlty Tower  (Communication Problems) (#7) (S2E1) (38:30) (1/11/1997:On FOX#223)
    Fawlty Tower  (The Builders) (#2) (S1E2) (2/22/1997:On FOX#235)
    Fawlty Towers (A Touch Of Class) (#1) (S1E1) [Series Premiere] (CC 3/22/1997:On FOX#246)
    Flay Otters   (Waldorf Salad) (#9) (S2E3) (2/1/1997:On FOX#228)
    Flowery Twats (The Anniversary aka The Anniversary Party) (#11) (S2E5) (6/16/1996:On FOX#156) (2/1/1997:On FOX#228)
    Warty Towels  (Gourmet Night) (#5) (S1E5) (PBS 5/26/1996:On FOX#14)
    Watery Fowls  (The Psychiatrist) (#8) (S2E2) (2/22/1997:On FOX#235)
    A Touch Of Class (Fawlty Towers) (#1) (S1E1) [Series Premiere] (CC 3/22/1997:On FOX#246)
    Basil The Rat (Farty Towels) (#12) (S2E6) [Series Finale] (4/12/1997:On FOX#253 preferred) (6/16/1996:On FOX#156)
    Communication Problems (Fawlty Tower) (#7) (S2E1) (38:40) (1/11/1997:On FOX#223)
    Gourmet Night (Warty Towels) (#5) (S1E5) (PBS 5/26/1996:On FOX#14)
    The Anniversary aka The Anniversary Party (Flowery Twats) (#11) (S2E5) (6/16/1996:On FOX#156) (2/1/1997:On FOX#228)
    The Builders (Fawlty Tower) (#2) (S1E2) (2/22/1997:On FOX#235)
    The Germans (#6) (S1E6) [No sign; just a hospital] [Season 1 Finale] (6/3/1996:On FOX#152)
    The Hotel Inspectors (Faw Ty To Er) (#4) (S1E4) (PBS 5/19/1996:On FOX#146)
    The Kipper And The Corpse (Fatty Owls) (#10) (S2E4) (9/21/1997:On FOX#282) (CC 3/22/1997:On FOX#246)
    The Psychiatrist (Watery Fowls) (#8) (S2E2) (2/22/1997:On FOX#235)
    The Wedding Party (Faw Ty Tower) (#3) (S1E3) (4/19/1997:On FOX#251)
    Waldorf Salad (Flay Otters) (#9) (S2E3) (2/1/1997:On FOX#228)

Monty Python's Flying Circus (air dates) (mono) (date unspecified=date unknown)
(*=episode name unknown, "it's" setting used instead):
NUMBER OF EPISODES: 15, plus 1 special and 1 partial
%2   (5:10) (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
ONES WITH NO TITLE (**=totally unknown episode info):
    ** (CC:On FOX#211)
2   *(behind bars/prison) ["Dinsdale"] (30:56) +(beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
    *(Cleese narrates show from some diner) [generic "its"] (PBS 9/12/1998:On FOX#327)
2   *(crossing street/traffic) (31:00) (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
2   *(meatroom/dead pigs) (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
2   Hamlet (25:46) [no "its"] (beta copy:bad pic/snd at points:CC:On FOX#242)
    Royal Episode 13 (PBS 9/1998:On FOX#327)
    The Black Eagle (PBS 9/1998:On FOX#327)
    The Buzz Aldrin Show [generic "its"] [Gumbys announce show] ["The Bishop"] [unsure if actual title was displayed] (PBS 9/12/1998:On FOX#327)
2   The Naked Ant ["Episodes 17-26:The Naked Ant"] (31:21) [forest] (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
2   The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes To The Bathroom ["Episode Two's:The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Goes To the Bathroom"] [woods/bombs,traffic] (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
2   Full Frontal Nudity (#12b?) (beta copy:CC:On FOX#242)
    Sex And Violence (6/28/1996:CC:On FOX#161)
    The Ant, An Introduction (CC:On FOX#10)
    Whicker's World (CC 1/6/1996:On FOX#47)
    Gilliam, Terry -- Masters Of Fantasy:Terry Gilliam (beginning cut off:SciFi 7/30/1997:On FOX#280)
2   The Best Of Monty Python (14:35) (Showtime) (beta copy:On FOX#242) [with The Spanish Inquisition, "I don't quite like the tone of your voice" (shorter version)]
    U.S. Comedy Arts Festival Tribute To Monty Python (HBO 3/22/1998:On FOX#305) [all 5 remaining members on stage for the first time in ~17 years] [mostly talk and jokes, with clips from shows, movies, live shows, and _German_ Monty Python episodes]

Stressed Eric: See NBC.HTM.

The Young Ones (mono) [EPISODE GUIDE] (episodes are ~:45 with commercials
unless otherwise denoted) (dates are record dates):
    Bambi (#7) (S2E1) (:36) (1/13/1996:On FOX#76) [Season 2 Premiere]
+   Flood (#6) (+S1E6) (:32) (1/7/1996:On FOX#47) [Season 1 Finale]
?   Interesting (realvideo)
?   Nasty (realvideo)
    Sick (#11) (S2E5) (3/9/1996:On FOX#107) (also on realvideo)
+   Summer Holiday (#12) (+S2E6) (3/17/1996:On FOX#107) [Series Finale]
synopsis/need considers episodes with known numbers only:
SYNOPSIS: 6-7, 11-12
NEED:     1-5,  8-10